Talk:Dark Face Bug

Active discussions


Is setting the ESM file header required for this? It seems to work fine for me if the ESP is used as normal, and the facegen data exported. --SomeWelshGuy (talk) 10:31, 31 July 2012 (EDT)

That's been my experience as well. Exporting the facegen data was initially mentioned as a fix by Joel on the CK forum, and I don't think it's necessary to make an ESM. Will try testing this a bit. IcyDeadPeople (talk) 2013-03-03T15:12:40 (EST)

Tested on the latest version of the CK ( I was able to Ctrl+F4 and it updated the face just fine without using Wrye Bash. I will update the page accordingly. Chesko (talk) 2013-04-02T23:52:52 (EDT)

Ctrl+F4 does nothingEdit

I had this dark face bug on an NPC, and fixed it using this procedure. However, I have it with a different actor. Whenever I highlight the actor and press Ctrl+F4, absolutely nothing happens-- the dialog window doesn't even appear. I waited for probably 5 minutes and nothing ever happened. I also tried restarting the CK and the same thing happened. I have verified that there's nothing wrong with my F keys. It appears that there is no other way to export this data so I am stuck with a grey faced actor. Dbbolton (talk) 2013-02-11T08:38:41 (EST)

This article doesn't say HOW you need to package the files, dammit! GetTheJojDone (talk) 2013-07-16T05:39:24 (EDT)

Select ACTORS in the left columnEdit

If you select ALL, the CTRL + F4 method will not work. You must first select ACTORS, then press CTRL and select the ones you want, and then press CTRL + F4.

--Sp0ckrataes (talk) 2014-07-14T11:15:00 (EDT)

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