Talk:FormList Script

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Revision as of 00:30, 21 March 2012 by imported>Tunaisafish
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This function doesn't seem to want to take actor references, can anyone else verify? TheTalkieToaster

Which function is that? There are a few listed on this page.
-- Cipscis 00:48, 19 February 2012 (EST)
I thought it wouldn't take refs too, (as in FNV), but apparently they do. Nexus Thread
Also, storing refs in the formlists does NOT cause the ref to become persistent.
Reading the refs from the formlist can return None when the ref is not loaded, but the value is not actually lost. Returning to a location where the ref is loaded again will reveal it is still stored.
-- Tunaisafish 00:30, 21 March 2012 (EDT)

Saving Form Lists[edit source]

EDIT: Form List contents ARE actually saved.
So I was wrong in the comment below.
-- Kuertee 02:24, 3 March 2012 (EST)
Changes to the FormList with AddForm () and RemoveAddedForm () are not saved in the saved-game file.
I had to keep a separate data in an Array.
Then restore them to the FormList when the file is reloaded.
I'm not sure which runs faster but HasForm () is easier than going through an Array just to find if a Form exists in the list.
-- Kuertee 07:39, 1 March 2012 (EST)

Adding same Form or instance twice[edit source]

It seems that this List is more like a Set cause it doesn't allow adding same Form twice neither by drag'n'drop items in the CK neither with AddForm() in papyrus, no error just it won't add it. Like a sorted set, sorted by addition order. LukeH 04:01, 20 March 2012 (EDT)