TraceStack - Debug
Revision as of 09:09, 12 September 2012 by imported>JLundin
Member of: Debug Script
Outputs a string to the Papyrus log on disk, and the Papyrus debug text page. It also attaches a full callstack so you can see who called you (and who called them and so on).
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Function TraceStack(string asTextToPrint = "Tracing stack on request", int aiSeverity = 0) native global
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- asTextToPrint: The text that should be printed to the log and text page.
- Default: "Tracing stack on request"
- aiSeverity: The severity of the trace statement. Info, the default, will show up as green; warnings will show up as yellow; and errors as red; in the Papyrus debug text page.
- Default: 0 (Info)
- The following values are acceptable:
- 0: Info
- 1: Warning
- 2: Error
Return Value[edit | edit source]
Examples[edit | edit source]
; Outputs "Tracing stack on request" along with a full stacktrace to the log
; Outputs "Tracing stack on request" along with a full stacktrace to the log, at error severity (colored red)
Debug.TraceStack(aiSeverity = 2)