UseMagic (Procedure)
Actor walks to location and casts spell at target.
The procedure completes:
When spell is cast, and num to CastMin/Max is reached.
- Location (Location): Actor will walk to this location before casting spell.
- Spell (TargetSelector): Spell to cast.
- HoldWhenBlocked (Bool): If true, and an actor other than the target is in the way, do not cast the spell.
- CastTimeMin (Float): The minimum amount of time the actor will play the casting animation.
- CastTimeMax (Float): The maximum amount of time the actor will play the casting animation.
- CoolDownTimeMin (Float): The minimum time between casts.
- CoolDownTimeMax (Float): The maximum time between casts.
- DualCast (Bool): If true, will dual cast the spell.
- If a specific spell is assigned by Object ID, an actor will attempt to cast the spell even if it is not in his/her spell list.
- If a range of spell is assigned (eg Spells: Range Self), an actor will only attempt to cast a spell if such spells are in his/her spell list. Alias spells are not considered.
- If the actor has no spells that qualify, he/she will draw his/her weapon and remain in an alert pose.
- Unlike when using the Cast function, the actor will play the casting animations. However, magicka is still not depleted.
- If the actor does not have enough magicka to cast the spell, he/she will remain in an alert pose with the spell equipped until he/she has enough magicka to finish casting the spell.