Using Object Reference Interval
Object Reference Interval is a very generic script, that enables users to implement code functionality in a set time interval. This is a child project of the Activated Object Reference but is allot simpler in its code and should be used as a starting point before trying to understand the Activated Object Reference.
First you should copy the Object Reference Interval into the Skyrim\Data\Scripts folder.
Take a look at the file and read the comments.
Bool Property useLooking Auto ; Should we take into account Line of Sight or not.
Int Property fMinutesInterval Auto ; Desired Minutes Interval /10.0 (minutes) ex.
GlobalVariable Property GameHour Auto ; The Games Hour leave default.
- useLooking - Set to TRUE if you want the interval to occur only when its in the players view.
- fMinutesInterval - How many minutes can pass before the OnTimeElapsed Overridden function will get called.
; Override Event - When Object exceeds elapsed time.
Event OnTimeElapsed()
- OnTimeElapsed is called when the minutes interval is reached and should be overridden and include what you want to do with the Object Reference.
- Ok next you need to provide your script that extends from the ObjectReferenceInterval file. For this example we have a script that locks/unlocks an object at a specified interval. Copy the Lock/Unlock Interval Example to your Skyrim/Data/Scripts/Source folder.
+ This script enables an ObjectReference like a door locked and unlocked
+ at specified intervals.
+ The Properties for this examples should be set too:
+ useLooking = TRUE ; We only want the interval to occur when in view.
+ fMinutesInterval = 5.0 ; Every five minutes in game time call OnTimeElapsed.
ScriptName jlLockInterval extends ObjectReferenceInterval
bool isLocked = false;
; Overrided Function.
Event OnTimeElapsed()
if (isLocked)
Self.Lock(FALSE, TRUE)
Self.Lock(TRUE, TRUE)
isLocked = !isLocked
- The following overides the OnTimeElapsed Event by locking and unlocking the door at the specified interval which in this case should be every 5 minutes.
- Find the jlLockInterval in the Creation Kit, under the Main menus Gameplay >> Papyrus Script Manager, look for jlLockInterval.
- Attach it to an object for example a box or door you wish to use as an example.
- Set the following Properties for the script.
- Save the Mod file and run and test in-game.