GetNthEffectMagicEffect - Enchantment

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SKSE Member of: Enchantment Script, Ingredient Script, Potion Script, Scroll Script, and Spell Script

Returns the Nth MagicEffect attached to this enchantment, ingredient, potion, or spell. (This function requires SKSE)

Syntax[edit | edit source]

MagicEffect Function GetNthEffectMagicEffect(int n) native

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • n: The index of which effect is to be returned.

Return Value[edit | edit source]

Returns the Nth MagicEffect attached to this enchantment, ingredient, potion, or spell.

Examples[edit | edit source]

int numEffects = enchantment.GetNumEffects()
int index = 0
While index < numEffects
	MagicEffect effect = enchantment.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(index)
	Debug.Trace("Index: " + index + " Effect: " + effect)
	index += 1

See Also[edit | edit source]