Location Ref Type

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Location Ref Type Object[edit | edit source]

Location Ref Type objects are found in the Object Window under WorldData.

To create a new Location Ref Type, right-click in the list of Location Ref Types in the Object Window and select "New" from the popup. To delete an existing location, right-click that location and select delete.

Location Ref Type Dialog[edit | edit source]

Location Ref Type.jpg

ID[edit | edit source]

Editor ID of Location Ref Type object.

Marker Color[edit | edit source]

References tagged with this Location Ref Type will have a square color block added to them in the Render Window.

Use[edit | edit source]

Any reference can be tagged with a Loc Ref Type (open the Reference window and select the Location Ref Type tab). If this reference is within a Location, Radiant Story can use its Loc Ref Type to find the reference, even when the reference is not within the game's loaded area.

Reference - Location Ref Type.jpg