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Sometimes, you may run into a problem or incompatibility with one of your mods and have no easy way to know what's causing it. In these cases, you'll want to use a binary search, wherein you cut your list of mods in half, and then cut those halves in half, and so on, until you find your target mod.

Conducting a binary search

If your mod manager supports "profiles," or hot-swappable mod lists, then duplicate your profile and act on the duplicate.

  • Disable half of the mods that you currently have enabled, ignoring any "core" mods or mods that act as dependencies (e.g. USLEEP, SkyUI).
  • Test to see if your bug is still occurring.
    • If the bug still occurs, then the problem is caused by at least one mod in the half that are still enabled.
    • If the bug stops occurring, then the problem is caused by at least one mod in the half that are disabled.
      • Swap your two halves: disable mods that were enabled, and enable mods that were disabled. Again, ignore "core" mods and mods that act as dependencies.
  • Repeat these steps until you've narrowed things down.

You can generally omit mods from this process if they're obviously unrelated to your problem. For example, a retexture won't cause skeevers to react to your Amulet of Mara, and a perk overhaul won't turn trees into blobs of purple squares.

Keep the limits of a binary search in mind: it's best for narrowing down problems that are caused by one mod, so if your problem is caused by a group of mods, you may not be able to identify all of them individually through this process alone.

Ideal test procedure

These steps should allow you to run quick tests without having to sit through a long introduction, and while minimizing the influence of scripts in the vanilla intro and in alternate start mods.

  • Start the game, and open the command-line debugger in the main menu.
  • If your test doesn't involve combat, use the TDetect, TGM, and TCAI commands to ensure that you don't get into fights.
  • Use the COC command to go to a cell suitable for your test.
    • If you can conduct your test anywhere, then Elsweyr and QASmoke are simple interior cells that should load quickly.
    • If you need to be outdoors, WhiterunExterior01 is an easy cell to remember.
    • If you need to be in a city, WhiterunOrigin and RiftenOrigin are easy cells to remember.
  • Use console commands to give yourself whatever gold, items, and other resources you need.
    • You can technically make these changes before COCing out of the main menu, but they will be reset.
  • Test whatever situation led to your problem occurring.

When dealing with bugs in Skyrim mods, just about anything is possible. You may want to try these steps out before you take the time to do a binary search, just in case