Category:Designer Debug Tools

This is a brief list of console commands commonly used by designers when debugging content. While running the game, press ~ to pause the game and enter console commands.

Console Command Abbreviation Notes
CenterOnCell COC Move to the specified cell.
CenterOnWorld COW X, Y Move to specified worldspace and coordinates.
ToggleGodMode TGM Toggles god mode.
ToggleImmortalMode TIM Toggles immortality.
ToggleDetection TDETECT Toggles AI detection on/off.
ToggleAI TAI Toggles all AI processing on/off.
ToggleFlyCam TFC Toggles the Free Fly camera on/off.
ToggleCollision TCL Toggles collision for the selected object, or the player if nothing is selected.
PickRefByID PRID Select a reference by ID.
EvaluatePackage EVP Forces the Actor to reevaluate their Package List.
ShowInventory INV Show objects carried by the selected reference.
ResetDialogueFlags Resets the SayOnce and SayOncePerDay flags.
GetActorValueInfo GETAVINFO Show current and computed base values for selected actor.
GetActorValue GETAV Show current Actor Values for selected actor.
Kill Kills the selected actor.
KillAll Kills all actors in the loaded area.
PlaceAtMe Creates a new object at the selected reference's location or the player's location.
ShowGlobalVars SGLV Show global variables.
ShowQuestVars SQV Show variables and aliases for specified quest.
ShowQuestStages SQS Show all stages and their current state for specified quest
ToggleMultiboundCheck MBC Toggles Multibound Occlusion.
Help Show a list of console commands.

See Console Commands for a complete list of console commands.