Encounter Zone
Encounter Zone ObjectEdit
Encounter Zone objects are found in the Object Window under WorldData. Interior Data of interior cells, World Spaces, and individual References can be tagged with an Encounter Zone. In short, an Encounter Zone dictates how Leveled Lists are generated.
To create a new Encounter Zone, right-click in the list of encounter zones in the Object Window and select "new" from the popup. To create a new encounter zone based off an existing encounter zone, right-click the encounter zone you wish to use as a basis and select "duplicate". To delete an existing encounter zone, right-click that encounter zone and select delete.
Encounter Zone DialogEdit
To open an Encounter Zone object, double-click an existing Encounter Zone or right-click on one and select "new".
Editor ID for the Encounter Zone.
Min LevelEdit
The minimum level (integer, default 0) the encounter zone can be calculated. In other words, if the player's level is less than the minimum level, the encounter zone will ignore the player's level and use the minimum level.
Max LevelEdit
The maximum level (integer, default 0) the encounter zone can be calculated. If left 0 (zero), the encounter zone will not max out.
Match PC Below Minimum LevelEdit
If checked, the encounter zone will match the player's level if the player enters the encounter zone below the minimum level.
Never ResetsEdit
The encounter zone will never reset, no matter how much time passes. The encounter zone will maintain its current state forever.
Disable Combat BoundaryEdit
Actors in combat with the player only follow the player through load doors that lead to the same encounter zone. With this box checked, actors in combat with the player will ignore this rule and follow the player into a different encounter zone.
The Location used by the Encounter Zone.
Analyze LootEdit
This generates a sample list of loot the player can acquire from the zone, including that found on containers, NPCs, creatures, or loose in the world. (Not generally used and only generates samples up to level 25.)
Can choose an NPC that owns everything in the cell.
Can choose a faction that owns everything in the cell.
Required RankEdit
The rank required in order to own everything in the cell.
Three examples of encounter zones are shown below.
This area has a minimum level of 6 and no maximum level, and resets normally. If the player enters this zone below level 6, the encounter zone will ignore the player's level and calculate using its minimum level of 6.
This area has a minimum level of 6, a maximum level of 20, and resets normally. This means that if the player enters the zone below level 6, the encounter zone will ignore the player's level and calculate using its minimum level of 6. If the player enters the zone above level 20, the encounter zone will calculate at level 20, and no higher.
This area has a minimum level of 24 and no maximum level, and never resets. This means that if the player enters the encounter zone below level 24, the encounter zone will ignore the player's level and calculate using its minimum level of 24. Keep in mind that the higher the minimum level of the encounter zone, the more difficult the zone will be for players well below the min level. In the ValthumeZone example, a level 2 player will find this zone extremely difficult because the zone will ignore the player's level and calculate as if the player is level 24.