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Location Object[edit | edit source]

Location objects are found in the Object Window under WorldData.

To create a new Location, right-click in the list of Locations in the Object Window and select "new" from the popup. To create a new location based off an existing location, right-click the location you wish to use as a basis and select "duplicate". To delete an existing location, right-click that location and select delete.

Location Dialog[edit | edit source]

Jb Location01a.jpg

ID[edit | edit source]

Editor ID of Location object.

Name[edit | edit source]

Name of the Location.

Parent Location[edit | edit source]

Use the drop down to choose a location to be used as the Parent Location.

World Location Marker Ref[edit | edit source]

Usually, the map marker of the location is used.

World Location Radius[edit | edit source]

Usually kept at the default of 0 (zero).

Horse Marker Ref[edit | edit source]

Press the "Select Horse Marker" to select the Horse Marker for the location.

Music[edit | edit source]

Unreported Crime Faction[edit | edit source]

Keywords[edit | edit source]

Add or create a new keyword that will be associated with this location by right-clicking in the list and choosing Add or New. In the above example (BleakcoastCaveLocation), the keywords associated with the location are LocSetCave, LocTypeAnimalDen, LocTypeDungeon, LocTypeClearable, LocSetCaveIce.

Location Ref Types[edit | edit source]

Lists the Location Ref Types associated with the location. Double-clicking on any of the loc ref types will load up the cell in the Render Window and select the reference that has that location ref type.

Cells[edit | edit source]

Lists the cells that are tagged with this location. Double-clicking on the IDs in the list will load up that cell in the Render Window.

Actors[edit | edit source]

Lists the actors that are tagged with this location. Double-clicking on the IDs in the list will load up that cell and select that actor in the Render Window.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Location Hierarchy