Difference between revisions of "Bug Exterior Models Not Showing"

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Double click on the object in question to open its Ref Edit box, and check the flag "Is Full LOD" This is a temporary work-around not to be used as a permanent solution, as having too many objects flagged this way can severely impact performance.
Double click on the object in question to open its Ref Edit box, and check the flag "Is Full LOD" This is a temporary work-around not to be used as a permanent solution, as having too many objects flagged this way can severely impact performance.
Oddly enough, I had to add in a new static to show off the bug.  I had already marked my tower as Full LOD, and toggling it off didn't cause the bug to happen again. More testing required!
The best use of the "Is Full LOD" flag is for testing purposes only during mod development; unchecking the flag before final release. There is significant evidence that the bug is not carried over to the user end, that it only affects the plugin author, not the players, so leaving it checked for players is not necessary given the cited risks of performance loss.
Anonymous user