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The dialogue in a [[:Category:Quest|Quest's]] [[Combat Tab]] will play in response to specific combat events generated by the game. The Combat Tab can have one [[Topic]] for each of these events (Attack, Hit, etc.), and a stack of [[Topic Info|Infos]] associated with that event.
The dialogue in a [[:Category:Quest|Quest's]] [[Combat Tab]] will play in response to specific combat events generated by the game. The Combat Tab can have one [[Topic]] for each of these events (Attack, Hit, etc.), and a stack of [[Topic Info|Infos]] associated with that event.
=Combat Dialogue Subtypes=
Combat Dialogue has the following event subtypes:
==General Combat Related==
*'''AcceptYield:''' Said when the actor accepts the player's yield.
*'''Attack:''' Said when the actor attacks.
*'''Bash:''' Said when the actor bashes with a shield.
*'''BleedOut:''' Said during the bleedout animation.
*'''Death:''' Said on death.
*'''Flee:''' Said when the actor flees from combat.
*'''Hit:''' Said when the actor is damaged.
*'''PowerAttack:''' Said when the actor is power attacking with a melee weapon.
*'''Taunt:''' Randomly said during combat.
==Crime Related==
*'''Assault:''' Said when player is seen commiting assault. Dialogue can be conditioned further with [[IsActorAVictim]].
*'''Murder:''' Said when player is seen commiting murder.
*'''PickpocketCombat:''' Said when player is caught pickpocketing.
*'''Trespass:''' Said when player is trespassing. Dialogue can be conditioned further with [[GetTrespassWarningLevel]].
*'''Steal:''' Said when player is caught stealing.
*'''WerewolfTransformCrime:''' Said when player transforms into a werewolf.
==Friend Crime Related==
*'''AssaultNC:''' Said when a friend sees the player commit assault.
*'''MurderNC:''' Said when a friend sees the player commit  murder.
*'''PickpocketNC:''' Said when the player pickpockets their friend and they see it.
*'''StealFromNC:''' Said when the player steals from their friend and they see it.
*'''TrespassAgainstNC:''' Said when the player is trespassing in their friend's property.
==Voice Power Related==
*'''VoicePowerStartShort:''' Said when just one word of power is used. Example: '''Fus'''!
*'''VoicePowerStartLong:''' Said when more than one word of power is used. Example: '''Fus'''... Ro Dah!
*'''VoicePowerEndShort:''' Said when two words of power are used. Example: Fus... '''Ro'''!
*'''VoicePowerEndLong:''' Said when all three words of power are used. Example: Fus... '''Ro Dah'''!
==Not Used==
*'''AllyKilled:''' Shows up in vanilla files, but doesn't appear in-game.

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