TreeObject Script

Extends: Form Script

Script for the manipulation of Tree objects.


ScriptName TreeObject extends Form

SKSE Member FunctionsEdit

SoundDescriptor GetHarvestSound()
  • Returns the harvest sound associated with this tree.
SetHarvestSound(SoundDescriptor akSoundDescriptor)
  • Sets the harvest sound for this tree.
Form GetIngredient()
  • Returns the Ingredient associated with this tree.
SetIngredient(Form akIngredient)
  • Sets the Ingredient associated with this tree.




  • As of SKSE version 1.7.2, this script has been renamed from Tree to TreeObject, to avoid conflicts with vanilla scripts.
  • As of SKSE version 1.7.3, GetIngredient() returns a Form and SetIngredient() accepts a Form as an argument. They previously only returned or accepted an Ingredient.