
I'll burn out fast. I always do.

ToDo, high priorityEdit

  • Follow the discussion in Creation Kit:Community Portal/Organization‎‎ for stuff. [IN PROGRESS]
  • Work through all the tutorials and edit them as a newbie. Then I'll at least know enough to not be talking out my ass most of the time. [IN PROGRESS]
  • Apply the Papyrus and Console templates to papyrus and console pages, respectively.
  • Images for Undo/Redo buttons in Bethesda Tutorial Creation Kit Interface. Might as well put all UI buttons as button graphics in the wiki, for future use by people if nothing else.
  • Would be nice to make an EditPad Pro syntax sheet per User:Cipscis/Syntax Highlighting Test. And a vim one.
  • Find if that room bounds/havok bug is still extant.
  • A todo template that lets you add the todo as a comment rather than inline text, and adds the article to the todo category.
  • Search for all "todo" and "???" (is there even a way to search for "???"?) and template them up.
  • Work on those todos.

ToDo, maybe somedayEdit

Anon: Yeah, I've seen both bookshelves tutorials.
Anon: Both are off.
Anon: You need a collision box in front of the bookshelf, one on each side, and one above the books on each shelf.
Anon: They all have to be set to L_UNIDETIFIED
Anon: Unlike the strikethrough'd text, you DO need it to say L_TRIGGER on the PlayerBookShelfTrigger activator.
Catwheezle: Ya need to update the texts then :P Or at least post to the talk pages, if someone's not done it already.
Anon: Eh...
Catwheezle: Or happy to do it for you if you give me the info. But a wiki's only as good as its contributors, and I know nothing.
Catwheezle: Though I have I hope improved the wiki a teensy bit.
Anon: I'd have to look in my mod to re-deconstruct it.
Anon: I don't remember it all off the top of my head.
  • I wrote, then didn't use, this ProTip: The Creation Kit stores in your mod a list of every item you change (marked with a "*" in the Cell View), even if you undo that change. The more items you "change", the greater the risk that your mod will conflict with others. You can mark objects as unchanged, which is addressed in later tutorials. For now, it's enough to know the problem exists. - I was not actually sure if this tip was true, and it needs testing.