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Revision as of 21:36, 22 February 2012 by imported>Fowl (→‎Projectile Dialog: added lifetime field)
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Projectile Dialog

  • ID: Unique identifier for this form.
  • Name: Display name.
  • Projectile Type:

Type Description
Missile Projectile used for fireballs or ice bolts...anything that travels in a straight line
Lobber Projectile used for runes (or grenades, rocks, mines in Fallout 3)...anything that is lobbed and can bounce around
Beam Projectile used for lightning spells
Flame Projectile for any kind of spray spells
Cone Projectile for most shouts
Barrier Wasn't used in Skyrim
Arrow Projectile for all arrows

  • Art File: The name of the file that contains the 3D art for this projectile.
  • Light: Also possibly used for enhancements.
  • Default Weapon Source:
  • Supersonic: - If checked, the sound emanates from the point of the projectile's path closest to the listener (Think bullets whizzing by your head). If unchecked, the sound emmiter follows the projectile around until it is destroyed (Think rockets flying through the air).
  • Unlabeled sound button: The name of the sound file to play as projectile flies by. Click the button to bring up the sound picker.
  • Sound Level: Volume of sound (Loud, Normal, Silent).
  • Speed: Velocity of the projectile.
  • Gravity: How much gravity has an effect on the projectile.
  • Range: Maximum distance the projectile will fire (or be tracked).
  • Impact Force: Sets the strength of the force of the projectile.
  • Tracer Chance: The probability that a projectile object will be drawn to screen (So player can follow the bullets' trajectories).
  • Fade Duration: How long the projectile (typically a beam) will be visible on screen.
  • Cone Spread: (Only for Cone-based Projectiles)
  • Collision Radius:
  • Lifetime: How long the projectile stays alive. Arrows are set to 0.00 to live forever.
  • Muzzle Flash: If checked, a light will appear at the tip of the weapon when fired.
    • Light: Editor ID of light object to be used.
    • Unlabelled Filename: Filename for muzzle flash special effect.
    • Duration: How short the flash occurs for.
  • Explosion: If checked, projectile can cause an explosion.
    • Type: Editor ID of explosion that occurs.
    • Trigger on Impact: If selected, explosion occurs when projectile makes impact.
    • Alt. Trigger: If selected, explosion does not necessarily occur when projectile makes impact.
      • Timer: The time that must transpire before explosion occurs.
      • Proximity: How close a target must be for the explosion to occur.
      • Countdown Sound:
  • Collision layer:
  • Hitscan: If checked, this is a projectile that immediately impacts its target (no art is drawn to screen).
  • Can be Disabled: This is used for projectiles that can be deactivated, such as mines.
    • Disable Sound: Selects the sound file that plays when a projectile is disabled.
  • Can be Picked Up: If checked, projectile can be picked up by player character.
  • Crit Effect: Pins Limbs: If a projectile dismembers a limb this will enable it to be pinned to surfaces.
  • Pass Through Small Transparent: Enables the projectile to pass through the Small Transparent collision layer (objects like a chain link fence).
  • Disable Combat Aim Correction:
  • Add Destruction Data: Button used to add destructible stages to projectile.
  • Relaunch Interval: