ActorValueInfo Script
Extends: Form Script
Script for the manipulation of actor value info. This Script Object was added in SKSE 1.07.0.
ScriptName ActorValueInfo extends Form Hidden
SKSE Global Functions
ActorValueInfo GetActorValueInfoByName(String avName)
- Returns the AVI by name.
ActorValueInfo GetAVIByName(String avName)
- Alias for GetActorValueInfoByName.
ActorValueInfo GetActorValueInfoByID(Int id)
- Returns the AVI by ID.
ActorValueInfo GetAVIByID(Int id)
- Alias for GetActorValueInfoByID.
SKSE Member Functions
Bool IsSkill()
- Returns whether this AVI is a skill.
Float GetSkillUseMult()
- Return the skill use Multiplier for the AVI.
SetSkillUseMult(Float value)
- Sets the skill use Multiplier for the AVI.
Float GetSkillOffsetMult()
- Return the skill offset multiplier for the AVI.
- Set the skill offset multiplier for the AVI.
Float GetSkillImproveMult()
- Return the skill improvement multiplier for the AVI.
- Set the skill improvement multiplier for the AVI.
Float GetSkillImproveMult()
- Set the skill improvement multiplier for the AVI.
Float GetSkillImproveOffset()
- Returns the skill improvement offset for the AVI.
GetSkillImproveOffset(Float value)
- Set the skill improvement offset for the AVI.
Float GetSkillExperience()
- Returns the amount of experience gained in this skill.
SetSkillExperience(Float exp)
- Sets the skill experience to the specified amount. (This does not cause a skill up)
AddSkillExperience(Float exp)
- Adds the specified amount of experience to the skill (This can trigger a skill up).
Float GetExperienceForLevel(Int currentLevel)
- Returns the experience required for a skill up at the specified skill level.
Int GetSkillLegendaryLevel()
- Returns the legendary level of the skill.
SetSkillLegendaryLevel(Int level)
- Set the legendary level of the skill.
GetPerkTree(FormList list, Actor akActor, Bool unowned, Bool allRanks)
- Returns perks from the skill into the specified FormList, akActor, unowned and allRanks are used for filtering, with unowned being whether akActor has the perk and allRanks returning all ranks of the perk, unowned also applies to this.