ActorValueInfo Script

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Extends: Form Script

Script for the manipulation of actor value info. This Script Object was added in SKSE 1.07.0.

Definition[edit | edit source]

ScriptName ActorValueInfo extends Form Hidden

SKSE Global Functions[edit | edit source]

ActorValueInfo GetActorValueInfoByName(String avName)

  • Returns the AVI by name. (See Actor Value IDs for a full list of Names and IDs for Actor Values)

ActorValueInfo GetAVIByName(String avName)

  • Alias for GetActorValueInfoByName.

ActorValueInfo GetActorValueInfoByID(Int id)

  • Returns the AVI by ID.

ActorValueInfo GetAVIByID(Int id)

  • Alias for GetActorValueInfoByID.

SKSE Member Functions[edit | edit source]

Bool IsSkill()

  • Returns whether this AVI is a skill.

Float GetSkillUseMult()

  • Return the skill use Multiplier for the AVI.

SetSkillUseMult(Float value)

  • Sets the skill use Multiplier for the AVI.

Float GetSkillOffsetMult()

  • Return the skill offset multiplier for the AVI.


  • Set the skill offset multiplier for the AVI.

Float GetSkillImproveMult()

  • Return the skill improvement multiplier for the AVI.


  • Set the skill improvement multiplier for the AVI.

Float GetSkillImproveMult()

  • Set the skill improvement multiplier for the AVI.

Float GetSkillImproveOffset()

  • Returns the skill improvement offset for the AVI.

GetSkillImproveOffset(Float value)

  • Set the skill improvement offset for the AVI.

Float GetSkillExperience()

  • Returns the amount of experience gained in this skill.

SetSkillExperience(Float exp)

  • Sets the skill experience to the specified amount. (This does not cause a skill up)

AddSkillExperience(Float exp)

  • Adds the specified amount of experience to the skill (This can trigger a skill up).

Float GetExperienceForLevel(Int currentLevel)

  • Returns the experience required for a skill up at the specified skill level.

Int GetSkillLegendaryLevel()

  • Returns the legendary level of the skill.

SetSkillLegendaryLevel(Int level)

  • Set the legendary level of the skill.

GetPerkTree(FormList list, Actor akActor, Bool unowned, Bool allRanks)

  • Returns perks from the skill into the specified FormList, akActor, unowned and allRanks are used for filtering, with unowned being whether akActor has the perk and allRanks returning all ranks of the perk, unowned also applies to this.

Perk[] GetPerks(Actor akActor, Bool unowned, Bool allRanks)

  • Same functionality as GetPerkTree but instead returns a Perk array.

Float GetCurrentValue(Actor akActor)

Float GetBaseValue(Actor akActor)

Float GetMaximumValue (Actor akActor)

  • Returns the maximum value for the actor value.

Actor Value IDs[edit | edit source]

The Following is a list of Actor Value names and corresponding IDs for use with GetAVIByName and GetAVIByID:

0	Aggression
1	Confidence
2	Energy
3	Morality
4	Mood
5	Assistance
6	OneHanded
7	TwoHanded
8	Marksman
9	Block
10	Smithing
11	HeavyArmor
12	LightArmor
13	Pickpocket
14	Lockpicking
15	Sneak
16	Alchemy
17	Speechcraft
18	Alteration
19	Conjuration
20	Destruction
21	Illusion
22	Restoration
23	Enchanting
24	Health
25	Magicka
26	Stamina
27	HealRate
28	MagickaRate
29	StaminaRate
30	SpeedMult
31	InventoryWeight
32	CarryWeight
33	CritChance
34	MeleeDamage
35	UnarmedDamage
36	Mass
37	VoicePoints
38	VoiceRate
39	DamageResist
40	PoisonResist
41	FireResist
42	ElectricResist
43	FrostResist
44	MagicResist
45	NormalWeaponsResist
46	PerceptionCondition
47	EnduranceCondition
48	LeftAttackCondition
49	RightAttackCondition
50	LeftMobilityCondition
51	RightMobilityCondition
52	BrainCondition
53	Paralysis
54	Invisibility
55	NightEye
56	DetectLifeRange
57	WaterBreathing
58	WaterWalking
59	IgnoreCrippleLimbs
60	Fame
61	Infamy
62	JumpingBonus
63	WardPower
64	EquippedItemCharge
65	ArmorPerks
66	ShieldPerks
67	WardDeflection
68	Variable01
69	Variable02
70	Variable03
71	Variable04
72	Variable05
73	Variable06
74	Variable07
75	Variable08
76	Variable09
77	Variable10
78	BowSpeedBonus
79	FavorActive
80	FavorsPerDay
81	FavorsPerDayTimer
82	EquippedStaffCharge
83	AbsorbChance
84	Blindness
85	WeaponSpeedMult
86	ShoutRecoveryMult
87	BowStaggerBonus
88	Telekinesis
89	FavorPointsBonus
90	LastBribedIntimidated
91	LastFlattered
92	Muffled
93	BypassVendorStolenCheck
94	BypassVendorKeywordCheck
95	WaitingForPlayer
96	OneHandedMod
97	TwoHandedMod
98	MarksmanMod
99	BlockMod
100	SmithingMod
101	HeavyArmorMod
102	LightArmorMod
103	PickPocketMod
104	LockPickingMod
105	SneakMod
106	AlchemyMod
107	SpeechcraftMod
108	AlterationMod
109	ConjurationMod
110	DestructionMod
111	IllusionMod
112	RestorationMod
113	EnchantingMod
114	OneHandedSkillAdvance
115	TwoHandedSkillAdvance
116	MarksmanSkillAdvance
117	BlockSkillAdvance
118	SmithingSkillAdvance
119	HeavyArmorSkillAdvance
120	LightArmorSkillAdvance
121	PickPocketSkillAdvance
122	LockPickingSkillAdvance
123	SneakSkillAdvance
124	AlchemySkillAdvance
125	SpeechcraftSkillAdvance
126	AlterationSkillAdvance
127	ConjurationSkillAdvance
128	DestructionSkillAdvance
129	IllusionSkillAdvance
130	RestorationSkillAdvance
131	EnchantingSkillAdvance
132	LeftWeaponSpeedMult
133	DragonSouls
134	CombatHealthRegenMult
135	OneHandedPowerMod
136	TwoHandedPowerMod
137	MarksmanPowerMod
138	BlockPowerMod
139	SmithingPowerMod
140	HeavyArmorPowerMod
141	LightArmorPowerMod
142	PickPocketPowerMod
143	LockPickingPowerMod
144	SneakPowerMod
145	AlchemyPowerMod
146	SpeechcraftPowerMod
147	AlterationPowerMod
148	ConjurationPowerMod
149	DestructionPowerMod
150	IllusionPowerMod
151	RestorationPowerMod
152	EnchantingPowerMod
153	DragonRend
154	AttackDamageMult
155	CombatHealthRegenMultMod
156	CombatHealthRegenMultPowerMod
157	StaminaRateMult
158	HealRatePowerMod
159	MagickaRateMod
160	GrabActorOffset
161	Grabbed
162	;Cannot find the name of this AVI
163	ReflectDamage

Notes[edit | edit source]


See Also[edit | edit source]