AddHavokBallAndSocketConstraint - Game
Revision as of 17:25, 11 May 2012 by imported>Chesko
Member of: Game Script
Adds a constraint between two rigid bodies of two references
bool Function AddHavokBallAndSocketConstraint(ObjectReference arRefA, string arRefANode, ObjectReference arRefB, string arRefBNode, \
float afRefALocalOffsetX = 0.0, float afRefALocalOffsetY = 0.0, float afRefALocalOffsetZ = 0.0, float afRefBLocalOffsetX = 0.0, \
float afRefBLocalOffsetY = 0.0, float afRefBLocalOffsetZ = 0.0) native global
- arRefA: The first reference
- arRefANode: The rigid body name on the first reference for the constraint
- arRefB: The second reference
- arRefBNode: The rigid body name on the second reference for the constraint
- afRefALocalOffsetX: The offset of the constraint in the first body's space, X
- Default: 0.0
- afRefALocalOffsetY: The offset of the constraint in the first body's space, Y
- Default: 0.0
- afRefALocalOffsetZ: The offset of the constraint in the first body's space, Z
- Default: 0.0
- afRefBLocalOffsetX: The offset of the constraint in the second body's space, X
- Default: 0.0
- afRefBLocalOffsetY: The offset of the constraint in the second body's space, Y
- Default: 0.0
- afRefBLocalOffsetZ: The offset of the constraint in the second body's space, Z
- Default: 0.0
Return Value
True on success.
; Add a ball and socket constraint between bob and sally's hand nodes
Game.AddHavokBallAndSocketConstraint(Bob, "Hand", Sally, "Hand")
; Add a ball and socket constraint between bob and sally's hand nodes with an offset of 1,1,1 in the first body's space
Game.AddHavokBallAndSocketConstraint(Bob, "Hand", Sally, "Hand", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- The nodes referenced must contain a bhkCollisionObject node, which in turn must contain a bhkRigidBody node.
- You can only add a ball and socket constraint on dead actors, or live actors that are in the process of "ragdolling" from PushActorAway - ObjectReference or some other physics impact. When the live actor gets back up, the constraint will be broken.