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PushActorAway - ObjectReference
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Member of: ObjectReference Script
Knocks back the specified actor away from this object with the specified amount of force, as if an explosion had gone off.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Function PushActorAway(Actor akActorToPush, float afKnockbackForce) native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- akActorToPush: The actor to push away.
- afKnockbackForce: The amount of force to apply to the target actor.
Return Value[edit | edit source]
Examples[edit | edit source]
ExplosionMarker.PushActorAway(Bill, 10.0)
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Use an XMarkerHeading object to control the exact direction in which the actor will be pushed.
- The force argument can be negative to pull actors toward your ObjectReference. (Before you ask, yes, someone beat you to it and made a Katamari mod out of this.)
- The push is applied via an explosion, and as such is affected by the fMagicExplosion* game settings.
- Running PushActorAway on the target of an idle animation started with a function such as PlayIdleWithTarget can cause unusual behavior. For example, after targeting an actor with a kill move, the actor may stand back up, wait a few moments, and then collapse again.
- Running PushActorAway on newly spawned Actor can lead to a crash to desktop. To prevent this, check that the 3D is loaded on the Actor with MyActor.Is3DLoaded() before doing PushActorAway.
ObjectReference MyActor = XmarkerkRef.PlaceAtMe(MyActorBase)
If (MyActor.Is3DLoaded())
XmarkerRef.PushActorAway(MyActor as Actor, 50.0)