ConstructibleObject Script
Revision as of 22:52, 13 May 2012 by imported>PurpleLunchbox (→Category:SKSE Script Objects)
Extends: MiscObject Script
Script for the manipulation of constructible object base objects.
ScriptName ConstructibleObject extends MiscObject
Global Functions
Member Functions
SKSE Member Functions
Form Function GetResult()
- Returns the form created by this recipe.
Function SetResult(Form result)
- Changes the form created by this recipe.
int Function GetResultQuantity()
- Returns the quantity of the result created by this recipe.
Function SetResultQuantity(int quantity)
- Changes the quantity of the result created by this recipe.
int Function GetNumIngredients()
- Returns the number of ingredients needed by this recipe.
Form Function GetNthIngredient(int n)
- Returns the specified ingredient needed by this recipe.
Function SetNthIngredient(Form required, int n)
- Changes the specified ingredient needed by this recipe.
int Function GetNthIngredientQuantity(int n)
- Returns the quantity needed of the specified ingredient for this recipe.
Function SetNthIngredientQuantity(int value, int n)
- Changes the quantity needed of the specified ingredient for this recipe.
Keyword Function GetWorkbenchKeyword()
- Returns the keyword of the workbench needed for this recipe.
Function SetWorkbenchKeyword(string keyword)
- Changes the keyword of the workbench needed for this recipe.