SetNthIngredientQuantity - ConstructibleObject
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SKSE Member of: ConstructibleObject Script
Changes the quantity needed of the Nth Ingredient for a ConstructibleObject. (This function requires SKSE)
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Function GetNthIngredientQuantity(Int Value, Int n) native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- Value : the new quantity needed
- n : the Nth Ingredient of the ConstructibleObject
Return Value[edit | edit source]
Examples[edit | edit source]
RecipeArmorIronCuirass.SetNthIngredientQuantity(10, 0) ; Player now needs 10 LeatherStrips to craft
RecipeArmorIronCuirass.SetNthIngredientQuantity((RecipeArmorIronCuirass.GetNthIngredientQuantity(0)*2 + 4), 1) ; Player now needs 10 IngotIron to craft
Notes[edit | edit source]