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Container Dialog

Container Dialog[edit | edit source]

  • ID: Unique indentifier for this form.
  • Name: Display name.
  • Weight: Not used?
  • Encumbrance: Not used?
  • Random Anim Start: If checked, this object kicks off its idle animation at a random start time. This is so you can put a couple of the same animated activators in a scene and they won't be animating in synch.
  • Obstacle: If this container dynamically cuts navmesh.
  • Respawns: If this container respawns/resets with the cell.
  • Show Owner: Unknown use
  • Model: Displays the model for this object.
    • Edit: Chooses the model for this object.
  • Add Destruction Data: Sets the damage states if an object is destructable.

NavMesh Generation Import Option[edit | edit source]

Sets how the object interacts with navmesh generation.

  • Collision Geometry: Generated Navmesh will test against the collision of the object.
  • Bounding Box: Generated Navmesh will test against the bounding box of the object.
  • Filter: Generated Navmesh will ignore the object completely.
  • Ground: Generated Navmesh will treat the object like it is part of the ground.

Sounds[edit | edit source]

  • Allow sounds when container animations exist: Only plays the following sounds if the container has an animation.
  • Open: Selects the sound that plays when opened.
  • Close: Selects the sound that plays when closed.

Item List[edit | edit source]

Each item has a count, an object ID, and may have an owner and a health value. By right clicking in the window, you can add a new item using the values from the drop-down and text fields below.

  • Object: Editor ID of the object to add to the container.
  • Count: Quantity of the particular object found in the container.
  • Health %: The condition of the object found in the container. Not used.
  • Owner: Each item in the container can belong to an NPC or Faction.
    • NPC: The specific NPC that owns the object. Stealing the object is considered an act of aggression against the NPC.
    • Faction: The specific Faction that owns the object. Stealing the object is considered an act of aggression against the faction.
    • Global Variable: Not used.
    • Required Rank: The minimum faction rank necessary to act as an owner of this object.
  • Preview Calculated Result: Displays a list of possible items that could be in the container when the player is at the specified level. Useful only when items in the container are leveled items.
    • Preview Level: Sets the character level for the preview.

Papyrus Scripts[edit | edit source]

A list of all the scripts attached to this container.

Lock Levels[edit | edit source]

Any References to Door or Container objects may specify if they are locked, the difficulty of the lock, and optionally any Keys required for the lock.

Lock Level Skill to Pick Lock
Novice 1
Apprentice 25
Adept 50
Expert 75
Master 100
Requires Key N/A

See Also[edit | edit source]