AI Data Tab

The Actor AI Data Tab determines the Actor's basic approach to combat.

AI AttributesEdit


In conjunction with Faction Relationships, determines when the Actor will initiate combat.

Type Value Description
Unaggressive 0 Will not initiate combat.
Aggressive 1 Will attack Enemies on sight.
Very Aggressive 2 Will attack Enemies and Neutrals on sight.
Frenzied 3 Will attack anyone on sight. Actors are rarely set to Frenzied by default; this is usually the result of some other spell or effect (like the Frenzy spell).


Governs when the Actor will avoid or flee from threats.

Type Value Description
Cowardly 0 Will always avoid/flee from threats. Cowardly actors NEVER engage in combat under any circumstances. Confidence can never be lower than 0.
Cautious 1 Will avoid/flee from threats unless the Actor is stronger than the threat.
Average 2 Will avoid/flee from threats if outmatched.
Brave 3 Will avoid/flee from threats only if severely outmatched.
Foolhardy 4 Will never avoid/flee from anyone.


Governs whether the actor will assist their Friends and Allies in combat (see Factions).

Type Value Description
Helps Nobody 0 Will not help anyone.
Helps Allies 1 Will only help Allies.
Helps Friends and Allies 2 Will help Friends and Allies.


Not used.


A value from 0–100, Energy determines how often the Actor will move to a new location when in a Sandbox Package.


If this Actor is the player's Follower, and the player orders them to commit a crime, Morality determines whether they will comply.

Type Value Description
Any Crime 0 The Actor will commit any crime.
Violence Against Enemies 1 The Actor will commit Property Crimes, and Violent Crimes when ordered to attack an enemy (only). Rarely used.
Property Crime Only 2 The Actor will commit Property Crimes (theft, trespass), but never Violent Crimes. Rarely used.
No Crime 3 The Actor will refuse to commit any crime.

Aggro Radius BehaviorEdit

Check the Aggro Radius Behavior box to enable the settings in this section.

  • When a Neutral/Enemy enters the Warn radius, the Actor stops whatever he was doing and goes into the Warn behavior until the target leaves the radius or combat begins.
  • When a Neutral/Enemy enters the Warn/Attack radius, the Actor goes into the Warn behavior. If the target does not leave this radius after a few seconds, the Actor attacks.
  • When a Neutral/Enemy enters the Attack radius, the Actor just attacks.
  • If the Actor is attacked while in the Warn behavior, they attack.

Combat StyleEdit

The Combat Style form for the Actor. This controls the enemy's general approach to combat.

  If your Actor has an ActorBase, but you've chosen not to inherit its AI Data, remember to set the combat style! A Combat Style of 'NONE' is noticeably less effective than usual.

Gift FilterEdit

Not used.

Language: [[::AI Data Tab|English]]  • [[::AI Data Tab/fr|français]] • [[::AI Data Tab/ja|日本語]]