Creation Kit Keyboard Mapping

Revision as of 22:11, 11 October 2012 by imported>747823

The Creation Kit Keyboard Mapping is used when working in the Render Window. If you are editing the Navmesh, see the Navmesh Cheat Sheet.

The Creation Kit supports user-defined hotkey mapping. These bindings can be modified from the main toolbar via Edit > Render Window Hotkeys. This page is intended as a quick reference to the default key bindings.

Function Key Notes New?
Anchor the camera SHIFT+F Anchors camera based on current selection NEW
Clear selection D Clears current selection (deselect)
Copy selection CTRL+C Copies current selection
Create a multibound reference CTRL+B N/A
Cut selection CTRL+X Cuts current selection (CTRL+V pastes what was cut)
Cycle camera view C Cycles through the different camera views (Default changed to Y in newer versions.)
Cycle the visibility of selected objects 1 Cycles between normal, transparent, hidden
Delete selection DELETE Deletes current selection
Drop camera ALT+Z N/A
Drop selection to ground F Drops current selection to nearest collision
Duplicate selection CTRL+D Duplicates selection and automatically selects the duplication
Edit landscape H Opens the landscaping editor
Edit navmesh CTRL+E Toggles Navmesh editing mode on/off
Enter rotation manipulation mode W Toggles the Rotation Gizmo on/off
Enter scale manipulation mode 2 Toggles the Scale Gizmo on/off
Enter selection manipulation mode R N/A
Enter translation manipulation mode E Toggles the Translation Gizmo on/off
Freeze the camera 3 Freezes camera and shows view frustrum
Link/break planes/rooms ALT+L Links/Breaks Link between two Occlusion Planes or two Room Markers
Load selected object's parent cell CTRL+L N/A
Move clipboard references CTRL+M Moves current selection, does not create a copy or duplication
Object palette SHIFT+O Opens Object Palette window
Paste clipboard contents CTRL+V Pastes clipboard contents
Paste clipboard contents in place CTRL+SHIFT+V Pastes clipboard contents in place
Picking preferences / Opens the Picking Preferences dialog
Place camera above selection T Top-down view of selection
Raise selection ALT+G Raises selection 3 units (on the z axis)
Redo CTRL+Y Redo last action
Refresh F5 Reloads the current cell
Reset rotation CTRL+K Resets current selection rotation to 0,0,0
Resnap references SHIFT+K Snaps current selection to current grid snap reference
Save CTRL+S Saves plugin
Scale a light's fade distance CTRL+ALT+S
Scale a light's FOV ALT+B
Scale a light's FOV ALT+S
Scale a reference S Hold down "S" and move mouse to scale reference
Search and replace CTRL+F Opens the Search and Replace window
Show land borders B Toggle exterior cell boundaries on/off
Show scene graph F10 Opens Scene Graph window
Swap editor water CTRL+W
Toggle batch dialog - Opens the Batch Dialog window
Toggle bright lights A Toggles lights on/off
Toggle cell window loads ALT+A
Toggle collision geometry F4 Toggles collision geometry on/off
Toggle debug geometry 4 Toggles debug geometry mode on/off (useful for checking Room Markers and Portals
Toggle flycam ` Not Supported
Toggle fog CTRL+5 Toggles fog on/off
Toggle gizmo orientation G Toggles gizmo orientation between world and local
Toggle grass 8 Toggles grass on/off
Toggle grid = N/A
Toggle havok ALT+H Toggles havok simulation on/off
Toggle land culling SHIFT+L Toggles Land Culling on/off
Toggle light markers CTRL+I Toggles light markers on/off
Toggle light radius L Toggles light markers radii on/off
Toggle location snap Q Toggles Grid Snap on/off
Toggle markers M Toggles markers on/off
Toggle non-land culling SHIFT+C Hides all references (useful to check Room Markers and Portals
Toggle occlusion planes U Toggles Occlusion Planes on/off
Toggle orthographic perspective 0 (zero) Toggles Orthographic Perspective on/off
Toggle picking against trees CTRL+T Toggles picking trees on/off (useful when working in areas with a lot of trees)
Toggle portal mode CTRL+P Toggles Portal Mode on/off (when on, only portals can be selected)
Toggle reference snap SHIFT+Q Brings up a crosshair and when a reference is selected, all other references will snap to that reference's orientation
Toggle rotation snap CTRL+Q Toggles Grid Rotate Snap on/off
Toggle selection culling CTRL+SHIFT+C Hides/Unhides current selection
Toggle shadows 5 Toggles shadows on/off
Toggle sky 6 Toggles Sky on/off
Toggle sound markers CTRL+N Toggles Sound Markers on/off
Toggle trees ALT+T Toggles Trees on/off
Toggle visibility of enable state children CTRL+1 Toggles culling of the selected reference's enable state children
Toggle visibility of enable state opposite children SHIFT+1 Toggles culling of the selected reference's enable state opposite children
Toggle water culling SHIFT+W Toggles water on/off
Toggle wireframe 7 Toggles wireframe on/off
Undo CTRL+Z Undo last action
Unhide all hidden objects ALT+1 Unhides all hidden references