
Redirection HubEdit

Uploading To Steam Workshop

An official page on how to package a .bsa with the CK and upload to Steam Workshop. Rather simple and assumes the users are very knowledgeable and everything will always go right with the software. This article is mainly text and has 3 images.

Create Archive

From an official page discussing how to package a .bsa with the CK and upload to Steam Workshop with additional user-added information explaining how to package with Archive.exe if that is not working. This article is mainly text and has no images pertinent to packaging and uploading.


Pictorial tutorial on how to package a .bsa file with Archive.exe with the assumption that the reader will probably be uploading somewhere besides Steam Workshop. Includes 20 images and some advice on packaging, uploading and presenting the mod after the .bsa is built.


Pictorial tutorial on how to pack a .bsa file with Archive.exe. Includes 9 images.