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GetActorOwner - ObjectReference

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Member of: ObjectReference Script

Gets the ActorBase that owns this object. Will return None if the object isn't owned by an actor.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

ActorBase Function GetActorOwner() native

Parameters[edit | edit source]


Return Value[edit | edit source]

The ActorBase that owns this object.

Examples[edit | edit source]

Returning an explicit owner[edit | edit source]

; Does the player own the sword?
Bool playerOwnsSword = SwordProperty.GetActorOwner() == Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()

Returning an inherited owner[edit | edit source]

; Does the player own the sword?
Bool playerOwnsSword = GetInheritedOwner(SwordProperty, SwordRackProperty) == Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()

ActorBase Function GetInheritedOwner(ObjectReference aObj, ObjectReference aContainer)
	ActorBase actorOwner
	; if the object exists
	; try to get the object's explicit owner
	If aObj
		actorOwner = aObj.GetActorOwner()
		; if the object does not have an explicit owner
		; and if the container exists
		; try to get the container's explicit owner
		If !actorOwner
			If aContainer
				actorOwner = aContainer.GetActorOwner()
				; but if the container also does not have an explicit owner
				; try to get the parent cell of the container's explicit owner
				If !actorOwner
					actorOwner = aContainer.GetParentCell().GetActorOwner()
			; if even the parent cell of the container does not have an explicit owner
			; try one last time to get the parent cell of the object's explicit owner
			If !actorOwner
				actorOwner = aObj.GetParentCell().GetActorOwner()
	; returns an explicit owner, inherited owner, or none
	Return actorOwner

Notes[edit | edit source]

Explicit vs. Inherited Ownership[edit | edit source]

Object references can have explicit owners and inherited owners. An explicit owner is associated directly with the object. An inherited owner is derived from the container that contains the object, the cell that contains the object, or the cell that contains the container that contains the object when the object has not been associated with an explicit owner. GetActorOwner() returns only the explicit owner of an object reference and None when an explicit owner is not found.

See Also[edit | edit source]