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GetAngle axis 


GetAngle Z 

Returns the current world rotation angle of the object on the selected axis (X, Y, or Z) in float.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Z angle returns a value from 0 to 360 depending on the player's current heading. Z angle is measured with the positive y-axis as 0 and increasing clockwise from there.
    • In the Tamriel worldspace, a Z angle of 0 is North, however, the same is not true of interiors (other exterior worldspaces have not been tested) - GetAngle is based on the game's coordinate system and the Compass is based on the NorthMarker object in each cell. Therefore, GetAngle Z is only useful for determining compass directions in the exterior Tamriel worldspace.
    • Note that standard mathematical notation has 0 starting on the x-axis, rather than the y-axis, and increases counter-clockwise, not clockwise. Trigonometry with the Z angle thus requires using the following conversion formula:
float GetAngleZ  ;the game's version
float TrigAngleZ ;the rest of the world's interpretation of the same

GetAngleZ = player.GetAngle Z
if ( GetAngleZ < 90 )
  TrigAngleZ = 90 - GetAngleZ
  TrigAngleZ = 450 - GetAngleZ
  • X angle returns a value (theorically) from -90 to 90. The true in-game range is -89 to 89, with -89 if the player is looking above himself, and 89 if player is looking at his feet. Note that the player actually is looking 89 degrees above or below horizontal - you cannot look exactly up or exactly down in game.
  • NOTE: You can rotate the camera when riding a horse without changing the actual direction the player's facing so GetAngle Z is kind of useless sometimes (like when using getLOS) if the player is on a horse.
  • GetAngle x does not work on horses or the player if the player is mounted, in 1st or 3rd person mode. Unknown whether or not this is a bug.

Papyrus Version[edit | edit source]

GetAngleX - ObjectReference
GetAngleY - ObjectReference
GetAngleZ - ObjectReference