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GetAt - FormList
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Member of: FormList Script
Returns the form at a specified index in the list.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Form Function GetAt(int aiIndex) native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- aiIndex: The index in the list we want to fetch the form from
- The index is 0-based. If a list has 3 items in it, valid indices are: 0, 1 and 2
Return Value[edit | edit source]
Returns the form at index aiIndex, none in case of error (such as wrong index value)
Examples[edit | edit source]
- Print out the forms in the list
Int iIndex = kFormList.GetSize()
While iIndex > 0
iIndex -= 1
Debug.Trace("Form " + iIndex + " is " + kFormList.GetAt(iIndex))
- Get the index of member in list. Return -1 if member is not found.
Int Function iGetFormIndex(FormList akList, Form akMember) Global
If akList.HasForm(akMember)
Int iIndex = akList.GetSize() ; Will always return a finite value
While iIndex > 0
iIndex -= 1
If akList.GetAt(iIndex) == akMember
Return iIndex
Return -1 ; Either the form is not in the list, is not currently loaded if non-persistent
- Search a LONG FormList of ORDERED FORMS (by FormID) and return. -1 if not found. Binary Search Method adapted to Papyrus from Wikipedia's detection of equality example.
Int Function GetFormIndexOrdered(FormList akList, Form akMember) Global
Int iFormID = akMember.GetFormID()
Int iMin = 0
Int iMax = akList.GetSize() - 1
While iMax > iMin
Int iMid = (iMin + iMax) / 2
If iFormID > akList.GetAt(iMid).GetFormID()
iMin = iMid + 1
iMax = iMid
If (iMax == iMin) && (iFormID == akList.GetAt(iMin).GetFormID())
Return iMin
Return -1
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Keep in mind that if you don't need the exact index of a formlist entry, the native HasForm() will always be the quickest method to find out whether the list contains an entry--far quicker even than a binary search like the one above.
- A created reference does not become persistent by virtue of being added to a FormList. If you try to retrieve the reference from the FormList when it is not loaded and not persistent, you will get an incorrect result or no result.