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GetCameraState - Game
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SKSE Member of: Game Script
Returns the character's current camera state. (This function requires SKSE)
Syntax[edit | edit source]
int Function GetCameraState() native global
Return Value[edit | edit source]
Returns the character's current camera state as an integer.
Examples[edit | edit source]
Function Example()
int iCameraState = Game.GetCameraState()
If(iCameraState == 0)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'first person'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 1)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'auto vanity'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 2)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'VATS'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 3)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'free'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 4)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'iron sights")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 5)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'furniture'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 6)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'transition'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 7)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'tweenmenu'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 8)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'third person 1'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 9)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'third person 2'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 10)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'horse'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 11)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'bleedout'")
ElseIf(iCameraState == 12)
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is called 'dragon'")
Debug.Trace("The camera state '"+iCameraState+"' is unknown.")
Camera States[edit | edit source]
- 0 - first person
- 1 - auto vanity
- 2 - VATS
- 3 - free
- 4 - iron sights
- 5 - furniture
- 6 - transition
- 7 - tweenmenu
- 8 - third person 1
- 9 - third person 2
- 10 - horse
- 11 - bleedout
- 12 - dragon