GetNumItems - ObjectReference

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SKSE Member of: ObjectReference Script

Minimum required SKSE Version: 1.05.01

Returns the number of items in a container. (This function requires SKSE)

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Int Function GetNumItems() Native

Return Value[edit | edit source]

Returns the number of items in a container.

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • Check a single container.
Int iNumItems = MQ101AlduinREF.GetNumItems()
  • Set the weights of all ingredients in player's inventory to 0.1.
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto

Event SomeEvent()
	ReweighIngredientsIn(PlayerREF, 0.1)

Function ReweighIngredientsIn(ObjectReference akContainer, Float afWeight) Global
	Int iFormIndex = akContainer.GetNumItems()
	While iFormIndex > 0
		iFormIndex -= 1
		Form kForm = akContainer.GetNthForm(iFormIndex)
		If kForm.GetType() == 30 ; Ingredient

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The returned value indicates the number of item types in the container regardless of the count of any particular item. If a container has ten gold and a torch, GetNumItems will return '2' and not '11'.

The exception is keys, if you have two of the same key then GetNumItems will count both keys. EDIT: This could be because the keys were quest items. More testing is needed to confirm this.

See Also[edit | edit source]