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Hotkey reference

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Hotkey Reference[edit | edit source]

File Menu[edit | edit source]

ctrl+S Saves the currently active plugin

Edit Menu[edit | edit source]

ctrl+Z Undo the previous action - be aware that some actions are not undoable and undo will skip past those to the next available undoable action

ctrl+Y Redo the last undone action - this will also skip forward past actions that are not undoable)

ctrl+C Copy selection

ctrl+X Cut selection

ctrl+V Paste current contents of cut/copy

ctrl+shift+V Paste current contents of cut/copy to their original worldspace coordinates in the currently active cell

ctrl+D Duplicates current selection

ctrl+F Find and replace

delete delete selection

Object Translation, Rotation, Scaling and Selection[edit | edit source]

Default Behavior[edit | edit source]

simply LMB clicking and dragging on an object will translate along the X/Y plane (horizontal)

To translate an object along a specific axis, hold down the X, C or Z key while LMB dragging to constrain translation to X,Y,Z respectively

By default you can rotate an object by RMB clicking on it and dragging. The default behavior is to rotate an object on the z-axis

If you want to constrain rotation to the x or y-axis, hold down X or C respectively

Scaling an object can be achieved by holding down the S key while LMB dragging

If one or more lights are selected, holding down S and LMB dragging will scale light radius
If one or more lights are selected, holding down ctrl+alt+S will scale brightness
There is no option for non-uniform scaling along individual axes

Gizmos[edit | edit source]

E Toggles Translation Gizmo

W Toggles Rotation Gizmo

2 Toggles Scaling Gizmo

While working with room markers and portals the scaling gizmo will have a different
appearance than it normally would when working with statics. It will have six arrows
that can be LMB dragged which will move the corresponding edge or face depending
on whether you are scaling a portal or a room marker

Rendering Window[edit | edit source]

A Toggles lit/unlit display mode

H Enter/exit landscape editing mode

D Deselect

G Toggle gizmo orientation between local/world coordinates

L Toggles light radius display on/off

M Toggles marker visibility

Q Toggle grid snapping on/off

shift+Q Make current selection snap-to reference
alt+Q Clear snap-to reference
ctrl+Q Toggle rotation snapping on/off
[ Decrease snap grid size. Lowest available setting is 16
] Increase snap grid size. Largest available setting is 512

S Toggles sound marker visibility

T Moves render viewport camera to a top-down view centered on current/last selection pivot point

U Toggles occlusion plane visibility

V Toggles leaf visibility

Y Cycles through top-down, side, front and oblique camera views

shift+F Focuses the camera view on the current selection pivot point and frames bounding box extents

ctrl+K Returns current selection to 0,0,0 rotation values

ctrl+P Toggles portal selection mode

alt+H Run Havok simulation on currently selection

alt+T Toggles tree visibility

1 Cycles selection through visible, ghosted and hidden

F5 Returns hidden and ghosted objects to full visibility

3 Toggles visibility of rooms and portals and colors them based on their visibility level from green (fully rendered) to red (not rendered)

6 Toggles sky on/off

7 Toggles wireframe display mode

8 Toggles grass on/off

0 Toggles orthographic camera rendering

ctrl+5 Toggles fog on/off

F4 Toggle collision geometry visibility

F5 Refreshes render window

Navmesh[edit | edit source]

ctrl+E Toggles navmesh editing mode

A Create triangle/quad

D Delete selected object(s)

F Flood fill

G Edge-Select mode

I Inverse flood fill

O Toggle water

P Toggle preferred pathing

Q Merge selected vertices to the location of the first selected vertex

R Delete selected object(s)

T Triangle-select mode

V Vertex-select mode

W Cycles through navmesh view modes

ctrl+F Find triangle

ctrl+F1 Finalize current cell's navmeshes

ctrl+F2 Find cover edges for current cell

ctrl+F3 Opens navmesh generation dialog

ctrl+F4 Opens advanced navmesh generation dialog