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ImageSpace Modifiers

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Overview[edit | edit source]

ImageSpace Modifiers modify the base ImageSpace parameters defined for the cell/worldspace. They are defined independently and attached to a gameplay element. For example, an imagespace modifier attached to a weather is active whenever that weather is active, and a modifier attached to an explosion is started when the explosion goes off. A modifier can have a duration (as in the explosion case) and can be animated over that duration.

There is also now a way to blend between static ImageSpaceMods using script. The script call ApplyCrossFade interpolates to the values of a non animating ImageSpaceMod over a supplied time.

Editor Location[edit | edit source]

ImageSpaceMod Location

Usage Notes[edit | edit source]

  • When animatable is checked you can create a sequence of keyframes to change your imagespace over time. At anytime during editing your imagespace you can change your duration value and the key will remain where they were in proportion to the overall timeline.
  • To make a new key slide the timeline slider to a new time (or use the numeric entry to be more accurate) and change any value. The new value will turn red indicating there is a keyframe there.
  • To find your existing keys use the arrow buttons a the very bottom of the form. Once you have the keys timing laid out use the arrow buttons to navigate so you avaoid adding any new stray keys.

Data Fields[edit | edit source]

ImageSpaceMod Form

  • Imagespace Adapters: Each adapter has a unique form editor ID. By right clicking in the list, you can add or duplicate a adapter.
  • Most parameters are controlled by a multiply and add operation. This allows the modifier to do stuff like double the brightness. To simply set a parameter to a target value, multiple by zero and add the target value.
  • The "X" buttons will delete a key.
  • The final tint color RGB (assuming there are multiple active modifiers changing the tint color) is the weighted average of all the tint colors (the tint alpha is the weight). The alpha of the final tint color is the highest alpha from all the active modifiers.
  • The final blur radius and double vision values will be the highest of these values from all the active modifiers.
  • Duration box: Gives the time in seconds of an animated modifier.
  • Animatable: If checked, the modifier has a duration and is animated. If this is not checked, the duration box is ignored.
  • Display: If checked, the render window will show the results of the modifier at the current time.
  • TEST: This button will play an animated modifier (Sky must be enabled. Press 6 to toggle).
  • The Time slider determines at which time you are modifying the keys.
  • If there is a key at the current time, the key text will turn red.
  • The arrow buttons iterate through the existing keys.

HDR[edit | edit source]

Parameters for high dynamic range rendering. These values are for calculating RGB settings on the ImageSpace beyond the 255 maximum.

  • Eye Adapt Speed: Controls how quickly the adapted scene luminance chases the actual luminance. Between 0.0 and 100.0 representing the percentage of the difference between the adapted scene luminance and the actual luminance that is closed each frame (assuming 30fps).
    • A value of 0.0 means the adapted luminance will never change.
    • A value of 100.0 will never "chase" so that the adapted luminance is always equal to actual luminance.
  • Bloom Blur Radius:The amount of bloom. Integers only. Cannot be turned off.
    • 1.0 Min blur.
    • 7.0 Max blur.
  • Bloom Threshold: Controls the threshold for which pixels in the scene bloom.
  • Bloom Scale: Controls how bright the bloom is.
  • Target Lum Min:
  • Target Lum Max:
  • Sunlight Scale: (non-imagespace) Scale the sunlight
  • Sky Scale: (non-imagespace) Scale the sky

Cinematic[edit | edit source]

Enables tint, brightness, saturation, and/or contrast modifiers.

  • Brightness: Increases the brightness, setting either number to 100 causes a create white-out. Setting both to 0 will result in complete darkness.
  • Saturation: Increases the saturation of the screen. Setting the number to a negative will reverse the colors displayed(blue will render yellow...). Setting the saturation to 0 will remove all color from the scene(scene renders black and white).
  • Contrast: Amplifies the bright and dark spots in the scene. A negative number here will inverse bright and dark spots and then amplify them accordingly.
  • Tint:
    • R/G/B: Overlays the corresponding color. Strength is from 0 to 255
    • A: The alpha(opacity) of the colors overlayed. This setting alone will never raise the color level high enough to completely wash out the scene. At a strength of 255 it will render the entire scene in shades of the RGB color.
  • Fade:
    • R/G/B:
    • A:

Blur[edit | edit source]

  • Blur Radius: How strong of a blur to apply to the screen.
    • 0.0 No Blur
    • 7.0 Maximum Blur

Double Vision[edit | edit source]

  • Strength: What percentage of the screen to apply the effect to. A number between 0.0 and 1.
  • This effect animates automatically.
    • 0.0 No Blur
    • 0.15 This range seems to be a sweet spot; jarring but still readable
    • 0.35 The point at which the double vision becomes gibberish(in my opinion)
    • Note even values as low as 0.03 can be effective without being overpowering

FullScreen Motion Blur[edit | edit source]

  • Strength:
    • 0.0
    • 0.15
    • 0.35

Radial Blur[edit | edit source]

Used to create blur around the edges of the screen, blur in the center of the screen, or a ring of blur.

  • Str: How strong of a blur it will be.
    • 2.5 For a Moderate Blur
    • 5 For a Strong Blur
  • Ramp Up: How quickly the blur Ramps Up from the central, non-blurred area to the full blur at the edges. Seems that 0.00 is no blur (never ramps) and that 100 is instantly at full strength.
  • Start: This number represents the percent of the screen that is blurred, with the blur radiating outward from the Center. The larger the number, the bigger the radius of the non-blurred area(Center).
    • 0.0 For a full screen blur
    • 1.0 For no blur on screen
  • Ramp Down: The inverse of Ramp Up, the fade from the outer to the inner.
    • Needs to be larger than Ramp Up
  • Down Start: The inverse of Start; it places a clean ring around the edge of the screen. Larger numbers compress the blurred circle around the center.
    • Must be larger than the start
  • Use Target:
  • Center: The on-screen location of the start position

Depth Of Field[edit | edit source]

  • Strength: How strong of a blur to apply. 0.0 to 1.0 is best for a blur that will preserve image quality. Pumping the strength up provides an awesome contrast-like effect, but does not look right as a depth of field effect.
  • Distance: The distance in units that contains a clean, non-blurred view. Setting the distance higher then the range will create a blurred foreground with a clear background.
  • Range: The range in units where the depth blur begins.
  • Use Target:
  • No Sky:
  • Mode:
  • Blur Radius:

See Also[edit | edit source]