IsSameLocation - Location

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Member of: Location Script

Returns true if the calling location is the same as the supplied location. Or, if an optional keyword is supplied it also returns true if the locations share a parent with that keyword, or one of the locations has the keyword and is a parent of the other.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

bool Function IsSameLocation(Location akOtherLocation, Keyword akKeyword = None)

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • akOtherLocation: The other location to look at.
  • akKeyword: if supplied, it uses the keyword to test if the locations share a parent with that keyword, or one of the locations has the keyword and is a parent of the other.
    • Default: None

Return Value[edit | edit source]

Returns if the locations are the same (or share a parent with the keyword, or is a child with the keyword)

Examples[edit | edit source]

; Is myLocationProperty the same as MarylandLocationProperty?
if (MyLocationProperty.IsSameLocation(MarylandLocationProperty))
  Debug.Trace("MyLocationProperty is MarylandLocationProperty.")

; Is myLocationProperty the same as MyOtherLocationProperty OR are both locations in the same location with the keyword "LocTypeCountry" stored in LocTypeProperty?
if (MyLocationProperty.IsSameLocation(MyOtherLocationProperty, LocTypeProperty))
  Debug.Trace("MyLocationProperty is MyOtherLocationProperty or we are in the same Country (or one us is the Country the other one is in).")

; Is the player in a location that is WhiterunLocation or a location who has WhiterunLocation as a parent
; (when WhiterunProperty points to WhiterunLocation and KeywordHoldProperty points to LocTypeHold keyword)
if Game.GetPlayer().GetCurrentLocation().IsSameLocation(WhiterunProperty, KeywordHoldProperty)
  Debug.Trace("Player is in WhiterunLocation, or a child of WhiterunLocation.")

;Is the player and the CourierRef (stored in pCourier) in the same settlement, town, or city (ie the "LocTypeHabitation" keyword stored in)pLocTypeHabitation
if pCourier.getCurrentLocation().IsSameLocation(Game.GetPlayer().getCurrentLocation(), pLocTypeHabitation)
  debug.trace("WICourierScript: Courier and player are in same habitation.")
  debug.trace("WICourierScript: Courier and player are not in same habitation.")

See Also[edit | edit source]