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OnStoryCrimeGold - Quest
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Member of: Quest Script
Event called when this quest is started via a crime gold story manager event.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Event OnStoryCrimeGold(ObjectReference akVictim, ObjectReference akCriminal, Form akFaction, int aiGoldAmount, int aiCrime)
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- akVictim: The ObjectReference that was victimized.
- akCriminal: The ObjectReference that committed the crime.
- akFaction: The Faction that the crime was recorded with.
- aiGoldAmount: The amount of crime gold that was logged.
- aiCrime: The type of crime that the event is for. Will be one of the following:
- -1: None
- 0: Steal
- 1: Pick-pocket
- 2: Trespass
- 3: Attack
- 4: Murder
Examples[edit | edit source]
Event OnStoryCrimeGold(ObjectReference akVictim, ObjectReference akCriminal, Form akFaction, int aiGoldAmount, int aiCrime)
if aiCrime == 1 ; Pick-pocketing
Debug.Trace(akCriminal + " got " + aiGoldAmount + " crime gold for pickpocketing " + akVictim)
Notes[edit | edit source]
- The On Crime Gold event starts any attached quests about 20 seconds after the offense is committed. This will cause a ~20 second delay in the OnStoryCrimeGold event firing (as the quest has not started yet).