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SendStoryEventAndWait - Keyword
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Member of: Keyword Script
Sends an event to the story manager using this keyword and the passed-in extra values. Waits for the event to be processed and returns whether a quest was started or not.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
bool Function SendStoryEventAndWait(Location akLoc = None, ObjectReference akRef1 = None, ObjectReference akRef2 = None, \
int aiValue1 = 0, int aiValue2 = 0) native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- akLoc: The Location to send with the event.
- Default: None
- akRef1: The first ObjectReference to send with the event.
- Default: None
- akRef2: The second ObjectReference to send with the event.
- Default: None
- aiValue1: The first value to send with the event.
- Default: 0
- aiValue2: The second value to send with the event.
- Default: 0
Return Value[edit | edit source]
Whether a quest was started as a result of the event or not.
Examples[edit | edit source]
; Send the event with no extra data
if QuestEventProperty.SendStoryEventAndWait()
Debug.Trace("Quest started!")
Debug.Trace("No quest started")
; Send the event with only a single value
if QuestEventProperty.SendStoryEventAndWait(aiValue1 = 5)
Debug.Trace("Quest started!")
Debug.Trace("No quest started")