SetEnemy - Faction

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Member of: Faction Script

Sets the two factions to be neutral or enemies of each other.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Function SetEnemy(Faction akOther, bool abSelfIsNeutralToOther = false, bool abOtherIsNeutralToSelf = false) native

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • akOther: The Faction to form a relationship with.
  • abSelfIsNeutralToOther: If true, the faction this function is called on will be neutral to the other faction. If false, it will be an enemy.
    • Default: False
  • abOtherIsNeutralToSelf: If true, the other faction will be neutral to this faction. If false, it will be an enemy.
    • Default: False

Return Value[edit | edit source]


Examples[edit | edit source]

; Make the two factions enemies

; Make the Orcs and Goblins simply neutral to eachother
Orcs.SetEnemy(Goblins, true, true)

See Also[edit | edit source]