SetModelPath - Armor

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SKSE Member of: Armor Script

Sets the file path for the NetImmerse File (.nif) representing the world & inventory model of the armor to the specified path. (This function requires SKSE)

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Function SetModelPath(string path, bool bFemalePath) native

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • path: The file path of a model, beginning in the Data\Meshes\ folder.
  • bFemalePath: Whether to set the file path of the male model (false) or female model (true) of the armor.

Return Value[edit | edit source]


Examples[edit | edit source]

; Switch the male and female ground/inventory models of the player's equipped cuirass
Armor BodyArmor = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000004) as Armor
String FilePath = BodyArmor.GetModelPath(False)
BodyArmor.SetModelPath(BodyArmor.GetModelPath(True), False)
BodyArmor.SetModelPath(FilePath, True)

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • This is to set the file path of the ground/inventory model. That means the model you see in your inventory and when the armor is on the ground, not when it is equipped.
  • To set the file path used for equipped armor models on actors, run SetModelPath - ArmorAddon on the appropriate ArmorAddon object.

See Also[edit | edit source]