SetPlayerTeammate - Actor

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Member of: Actor Script

Flags this actor as a teammate of the player or not. Once an NPC becomes a teammate, the following becomes true:

  1. NPC will sneak if the player sneaks, stop sneaking if the player stops sneaking.
  2. NPC will draw a weapon if the player draws a weapon.
  3. NPC will equip their best armor (instead of wearing their default Outfit)
  4. Crimes committed by the NPC are considered crimes the player has committed.
  5. (Optional) NPC can be issued commands.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Function SetPlayerTeammate(bool abTeammate = true, bool abCanDoFavor = true) native

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • abTeammate: Whether to set or clear the actor's teammate status.
    • Default: True
  • abCanDoFavor: Whether to set or clear the actor's ability to do favors when they are the player's teammate.
    • Default: True

Return Value[edit | edit source]


Examples[edit | edit source]

; Set Buddy as a teammate

; Clear buddy's teammate status

See Also[edit | edit source]