ShowHelpMessage- Game

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Member of: Game Script

Displays a help message on screen for a specified duration at specified intervals until a specified number of showings occurs or until a user event takes place.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Function ShowHelpMessage(string asEvent, string asMessage, float afDuration, float afInterval, int aiMaxTimes) native global

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • asEvent: The event which both identifies and ends the help message. There can be only one message per event and once the event occurs, the message will not display again. For a list of valid event tags, check Button Tag Replacement.
  • asMessage: The message you want to display, containing tags for replacement.
  • afDuration: How long should the message appear before going away? A value <= 0 means no time limit.
  • afInterval: How much time should elapse in between showings of the message.
  • aiMaxTimes: After this many times being shown, the message will stop appearing. A value <= 0 means no occurrence limit.

Example[edit | edit source]

; Display a message telling the player to press the jump button.
Game.ShowHelpMessage( "[Jump]", "Press [Jump] to jump.", 5.0, 30.0, 3 )

See Also[edit | edit source]