Difference between revisions of "Main Toolbar"

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251 bytes removed ,  06:43, 7 April 2012
general update
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===General Buttons===
===General Buttons===
*[[image:jbrowne_IconVersionControl.jpeg]] '''Version Control'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconVersionControl.jpeg]] '''Version Control'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconLoad.jpeg]] '''Load Master/Plugin files'''
*[[image:IconLoad.png]] '''Load Master/Plugin files'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconSave.jpeg]] '''Save Plug-in'''
*[[image:IconSave.png]] '''Save Plug-in'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconPreferences.jpeg]] '''Preferences'''
*[[image:IconPreferences.png]] '''Preferences'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconUndo.jpeg]] '''Undo'''
*[[image:IconUndo.png]] '''Undo'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconRedo.jpeg]] '''Redo'''
*[[image:IconRedo.png]] '''Redo'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconToggleGrid.jpeg]] '''Show Grid'''
*[[image:IconSnaptoGrid.png]] '''Snap to Grid'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconSnapGrid.jpeg]] '''Snap to Grid'''
*[[image:IconSnaptoAngle.png]] '''Snap to Angle'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconSnapAngle.jpeg]] '''Snap to Angle'''
*[[image:IconHeightmap.png]] '''World (Heightmap) Editing'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconHeightmap.jpeg]] '''World (Heightmap) Editing'''
*[[image:IconLandscape.png]] '''Landscape Editing'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconLandscape.jpeg]] '''Landscape Editing'''
*[[image:IconHavok.png]] '''Run Havok Sim'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconHavok.jpeg]] '''Run Havok Sim'''
*[[image:IconFX.png]] '''Animate Lights and Effects'''
* '''Animate Lights and Effects'''
*[[image:IconLights.png]] '''Brighten Lights'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconLights.jpeg]] '''Brighten Lights'''
*[[image:IconSky.png]] '''Enable Sky'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconSky.jpeg]] '''Enable Sky'''
*[[image:IconGrass.png]] '''Toggle Grass'''
* '''Toggle Grass'''
*[[image:IconDialog.png]] '''Open Filtered Dialogue Window'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconLeaves.jpeg]] '''Enable Leaves'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconDialogue.jpeg]] '''Open Filtered Dialogue Window'''
*[[image:jbrowne_IconScripts.jpeg]] '''Scripts'''

===Level Design Buttons===
===Level Design Buttons===
*[[image:jbrowne_IconCreateCubicActivator.jpeg]] '''Create a cubic activator:''' Helps build a cube-shaped trigger.
*[[image:IconTrigger.png]] '''Create a cubic activator:''' Helps build a cube-shaped trigger.
*[[image:jbrowne_IconCreateCubicMultibound.jpeg]] '''Create a cubic multibound:''' Helps build a cube-shaped multibound for scenegraph culling.
*[[image:IconMultiboundCube.png]] '''Create a cubic multibound:''' Helps build a cube-shaped multibound for scenegraph culling.
*[[image:jbrowne_IconCreateSphericalMultibound.jpeg]] '''Create a spherical multibound:''' Allows user to create a sphere-shaped multibound for scenegraph culling.
*[[image:IconMultiboundSphere.png]] '''Create a spherical multibound:''' Allows user to create a sphere-shaped multibound for scenegraph culling.
*[[image:jbrowne_IconOcclusionPlane.jpeg]] '''Create an occlusion plane:''' Allows user to place an occlusion plane for scenegraph culling.
*[[image:IconOcclusionPlane.png]] '''Create an occlusion plane:''' Allows user to place an occlusion plane for scenegraph culling.
*[[image:jbrowne_IconJoinBreakPlanes.jpeg]] '''Join or break planes:''' Allows user to combine or separate two occlusion planes
*[[image:IconOcclusionCube.png]] '''Create an occlusion cube:''' Allows user to place an occlusion cube for scenegraph culling.
*[[image:jbrowne_IconRoomMarker.jpeg]] '''Create a room:''' Allows users to draw a roombound form around objects in a room to form a group
*[[image:IconJoinBreakPlanes.png]] '''Join or break planes:''' Allows user to combine or separate two occlusion planes
*[[image:jbrowne_IconPortalMode.jpeg]] '''Toggle Portal Mode''' Prepares the render window for manipulation of portals
*[[image:IconRoom.png]] '''Create a room:''' Allows users to draw a roombound form around objects in a room to form a group
*[[image:jbrowne_IconDrawPortal.jpeg]] '''Draw a portal:''' Allows users to draw a portal object
*[[image:IconPortalMode.png]] '''Toggle Portal Mode''' Prepares the render window for manipulation of portals
*[[image:jbrowne_IconPortalLink.jpeg]] '''Link portal to room:''' Allows users to link two rooms with a portal object
*[[image:IconPortalCreate.png]] '''Draw a portal:''' Allows users to draw a portal object
*[[image:jbrowne_IconPortalBreak.jpeg]] '''Detach portal from room:''' Allows users to detach a previously linked portal
*[[image:IconPortalLink.png]] '''Link portal to room:''' Allows users to link two rooms with a portal object
*[[image:IconPortalDetach.png]] '''Detach portal from room:''' Allows users to detach a previously linked portal

===Sound Design Buttons===
===Sound Design Buttons===
*[[image:jbrowne_IconSoundEditor.jpeg]] '''Create a sound emitter:''' Allows users to select and place a sound emitter in the render window
*[[image:IconSoundEmitter.png]] '''Create a sound emitter:''' Allows users to select and place a sound emitter in the render window
*[[image:jbrowne_IconAcousticSpace.jpeg]] '''Create an Acoustic Space:''' Creates a drawn space where users can play a unique sound/music clip in a unique location
*[[image:IconAcousticSpace.png]] '''Create an Acoustic Space:''' Creates a drawn space where users can play a unique sound/music clip in a unique location

===Collision Buttons===
===Collision Buttons===
*[[image:jbrowne_IconCollisionPlane.jpeg]] '''Create a collision plane:''' Allows users to place a flat collision plane  
*[[image:IconCollisionPlane.png]] '''Create a collision plane:''' Allows users to place a flat collision plane  
*[[image:jbrowne_IconCollisionBox.jpeg]] '''Create a collision cube:''' Allows users to place a cube shaped collision plane  
*[[image:IconCollisionCube.png]] '''Create a collision cube:''' Allows users to place a cube shaped collision plane  
*[[image:jbrowne_IconCollisionSphere.jpeg]] '''Create a collision sphere:''' Allows users to place a sphere shaped collision plane  
*[[image:IconCollisionSphere.png]] '''Create a collision sphere:''' Allows users to place a sphere shaped collision plane  

===Current Buttons===
===Current Buttons===
*[[image:Cjm_Tool34.jpg]] '''Create a current plane:''' Allows users to place a current plane to create drift
*[[image:IconCurrentPlane.png]] '''Create a current plane:''' Allows users to place a current plane to create drift
*[[image:Cjm_Tool35.jpg]] '''Create a current cube:''' Allows users to place a cube shaped current object
*[[image:IconCurrentCube.png]] '''Create a current cube:''' Allows users to place a cube shaped current object
*[[image:Cjm_Tool36.jpg]] '''Create a current sphere:''' Allows users to place a sphere shaped current object
*[[image:IconCurrentSphere.png]] '''Create a current sphere:''' Allows users to place a sphere shaped current object

[[Category:Editor Interface]]
[[Category:Editor Interface]]
[[Category:Needs Skyrim Update]]
[[Category:Needs Skyrim Update]]

Navigation menu