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479 bytes added ,  15:35, 13 April 2012
Changed second example to use a book
m (GetBaseObject() replaced with MenuARMO)
m (Changed second example to use a book)
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*For the next example, we'll offer sub-options for each main selection. For a multilevel menu, a function works well. Keep in mind each button can have conditions, so you could hide "Lunch" and "Dinner" if it's time for breakfast or hide "Lobster" if it's not currently available. In this case, to make it repeatable, we'll use a playable apparel item so the menu will show each time it is equipped.
*For the next example, we'll offer sub-options for each main selection. For a multilevel menu, a function works well. Keep in mind each button can have conditions, so you could hide "Lunch" and "Dinner" if it's time for breakfast or hide "Lobster" if it's not currently available. In this case, to make it repeatable, we'll use a book so the menu will show each time it read. A book cannot be favorited or hotkeyed.

<source lang="papyrus">ScriptName OptionsMenuScript extends ObjectReference
<source lang="papyrus">ScriptName OptionsMenuScript extends ObjectReference

Armor Property MenuARMO Auto
Armor Property MenuBook Auto
Message Property MainMenuMESG Auto
Message Property MainMenuMESG Auto
Message Property BreakfastMESG Auto
Message Property BreakfastMESG Auto
Line 38: Line 38:
Message Property DinnerMESG Auto
Message Property DinnerMESG Auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
Event OnRead()

If akActor == Game.GetPlayer()
Game.DisablePlayerControls(False, False, False, False, False, True) ; Momentarily disable other menus
Game.DisablePlayerControls(False, False, False, False, False, True) ; Momentarily disable other menus
Game.EnablePlayerControls(False, False, False, False, False, True) ; Undo DisablePlayerControls
Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(MenuARMO, True, True) ; Prevent unequip/reequip in favorites until the current menu is resolved
Utility.Wait(0.01) ; This ensures equipping the token from the favorites menu works
Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItem(MenuARMO, False, True) ; Silently unequip item
Game.EnablePlayerControls(False, False, False, False, False, True) ; Undo DisablePlayerControls
Line 81: Line 76:
*To make a multilevel, looping menu with thirty buttons that will not close until a "Done" button is pressed, use the above method but with an altered Menu() function. Note that you can jump to a given message by specifying the aiMessage argument when calling the function. Sub-options as described in the previous example can be added to the below in the same manner. Theoretically, any number of options can be added with the below structure.
*To make a multilevel, looping menu with thirty buttons that will not close until a "Done" button is pressed, use the above method but with an altered Menu() function. Note that you can jump to a given message by specifying the aiMessage argument when calling the function. Sub-options as described in the previous example can be added to the below in the same manner. Theoretically, any number of options can be added with the below structure.
<source lang="papyrus">
<source lang="papyrus">ScriptName OptionsMenuScript extends ObjectReference
Armor Property MenuARMO Auto ; Playable apparel item
Message Property OptionsMenu00MESG Auto
Message Property OptionsMenu01MESG Auto
Message Property OptionsMenu02MESG Auto
Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
If akActor == Game.GetPlayer()
Game.DisablePlayerControls(False, False, False, False, False, True) ; Momentarily disable other menus
Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(MenuARMO, True, True) ; Prevent unequip/reequip in favorites until the current menu is resolved
Utility.Wait(0.01) ; This ensures equipping the token from the favorites menu works
Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItem(MenuARMO, False, True) ; Silently unequip item
Game.EnablePlayerControls(False, False, False, False, False, True) ; Undo DisablePlayerControls
Function Menu(Int aiMessage = 0, Int aiButton = 0, Bool abMenu = True)
Function Menu(Int aiMessage = 0, Int aiButton = 0, Bool abMenu = True)

Anonymous user

Navigation menu