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== Member Functions ==
== Member Functions ==
'''Function [[CompleteAllObjectives - Quest|CompleteAllObjectives]]()'''
*Completes all a quests objectives.

'''Function [[CompleteQuest - Quest|CompleteQuest]]()'''
{|class="wikitable" width =100%
*Flags this quest as completed.
|[[CompleteAllObjectives - Quest|'''CompleteAllObjectives'''()]]
|Completes all a quests objectives.

'''Function [[FailAllObjectives - Quest|FailAllObjectives]]()'''
|[[CompleteQuest - Quest|'''CompleteQuest'''()]]
*Flags all quest objects as failed.
|Flags this quest as completed.

'''Alias Function [[GetAlias - Quest|GetAlias]](int aiAliasID)'''
|[[FailAllObjectives - Quest|'''FailAllObjectives'''()]]
*Obtains the [[Alias Script|Alias]] attached to this quest associated with the specified ID.
|Flags all quest objects as failed.

'''int Function [[GetCurrentStageID - Quest|GetCurrentStageID]]()'''
|[[GetAlias - Quest|Alias '''GetAlias'''(Int ''aiAliasID'')]]
*Obtains the highest completed stage on this quest.
|Obtains the [[Alias Script|Alias]] attached to this quest associated with the specified ID.

'''int Function [[GetCurrentStageID - Quest|GetStage]]()'''
|[[GetCurrentStageID - Quest|Int '''GetCurrentStageID'''()]]
*Alias for GetCurrentStageID().
|Obtains the highest completed stage on this quest.

'''bool Function [[IsStageDone - Quest|GetStageDone]](int aiStage)'''
|[[GetCurrentStageID - Quest|Int '''GetCurrentStageID'''()]]
*Alias for IsStageDone().
|Alias for GetCurrentStageID().

'''bool Function [[IsActive - Quest|IsActive]]()'''
|[[IsStageDone - Quest|Bool '''IsStageDone'''(Int ''aiStage'')]]
*Is this quest "active"? (Tracked by the player).
|Alias for IsStageDone().

'''bool Function [[IsCompleted - Quest|IsCompleted]]()'''
|[[IsActive - Quest|Bool '''IsActive'''()]]
*Returns whether this quest is completed or not.
|Is this quest "active"? (Tracked by the player).

'''bool Function [[IsObjectiveCompleted - Quest|IsObjectiveCompleted]](int aiObjective)'''
|[[IsCompleted - Quest|Bool '''IsCompleted'''()]]
*Obtains whether the specified objective is completed or not.
|Returns whether this quest is completed or not.

'''bool Function [[IsObjectiveDisplayed - Quest|IsObjectiveDisplayed]](int aiObjective)'''
|[[IsObjectiveCompleted - Quest|Bool '''IsObjectiveCompleted'''(Int ''aiObjective'')]]
*Obtains whether the specified objective is displayed or not.
|Obtains whether the specified objective is completed or not.

'''bool Function [[IsObjectiveFailed - Quest|IsObjectiveFailed]](int aiObjective)'''
|[[IsObjectiveDisplayed - Quest|Bool '''IsObjectiveDisplayed'''(Int ''aiObjective'')]]
*Obtains whether the specified objective is failed or not.
|Obtains whether the specified objective is displayed or not.

'''bool Function [[IsRunning - Quest|IsRunning]]()'''
|[[IsObjectiveFailed - Quest|Bool '''IsObjectiveFailed'''(Int ''aiObjective'')]]
*Returns whether this quest is currently running or not.
|Obtains whether the specified objective is failed or not.

'''bool Function [[IsStageDone - Quest|IsStageDone]](int aiStage)'''
|[[IsRunning - Quest|Bool '''IsRunning'''()]]
*Checks to see if the specified stage is done or not.
|Returns whether this quest is currently running or not.

'''bool Function [[IsStarting - Quest|IsStarting]]()'''
|[[IsStageDone - Quest|Bool '''IsStageDone'''(Int ''aiStage'')]]
*Returns whether this quest is currently enabled but not running yet.
|Checks to see if the specified stage is done or not.

'''bool Function [[IsStopping- Quest|IsStopping]]()'''
|[[IsStarting - Quest|Bool '''IsStarting'''()]]
*Returns whether this quest is currently not enabled anymore but still shutting down.
|Returns whether this quest is currently enabled but not running yet.

'''bool Function [[IsStopped- Quest|IsStopped]]()'''
|[[IsStopping- Quest|Bool '''IsStopping-'''()]]
*Returns whether this quest is currently fully stopped.
|Returns whether this quest is currently not enabled anymore but still shutting down.

'''bool Function [[ModObjectiveGlobal - Quest|ModObjectiveGlobal]](float afModValue, GlobalVariable aModGlobal, int aiObjectiveID, float afTargetValue, bool abCountingUp, bool abCompleteObjective, bool abRedisplayObjective)'''
|[[IsStopped- Quest|Bool '''IsStopped-'''()]]
*Mods a global variable in a threadsafe way. Optional parameters allow automatic redisplay and completion (or failure) of a quest objective using this global variable.
|Returns whether this quest is currently fully stopped.

'''Function [[Reset - Quest|Reset]]()'''
|[[ModObjectiveGlobal - Quest|Bool '''ModObjectiveGlobal'''(Float ''afModValue'', GlobalVariable ''aModGlobal'', Int ''aiObjectiveID'', Float ''afTargetValue'', Bool ''abCountingUp'', Bool ''abCompleteObjective'', Bool ''abRedisplayObjective'')]]
*Resets this quest.
|Mods a global variable in a threadsafe way. Optional parameters allow automatic redisplay and completion (or failure) of a quest objective using this global variable.

'''Function [[SetActive - Quest|SetActive]](bool abActive)'''
|[[Reset - Quest|'''Reset'''()]]
*Sets or clears this quest as "active". (Tracked by the player)
|Resets this quest.

'''bool Function [[SetCurrentStageID - Quest|SetCurrentStageID]](int aiStageID)'''
|[[SetActive - Quest|'''SetActive'''(Bool ''abActive'')]]
*Sets the quest to the requested stage, returning true if it succeeded.
|Sets or clears this quest as "active". (Tracked by the player)

'''Function [[SetObjectiveCompleted - Quest|SetObjectiveCompleted]](int aiObjective, bool abCompleted)'''
|[[SetCurrentStageID - Quest|Bool '''SetCurrentStageID'''(Int ''aiStageID'')]]
*Sets whether the specified objective is completed or not.
|Sets the quest to the requested stage, returning true if it succeeded.

'''Function [[SetObjectiveDisplayed - Quest|SetObjectiveDisplayed]](int aiObjective, bool abDisplayed)'''
|[[SetObjectiveCompleted - Quest|'''SetObjectiveCompleted'''(Int ''aiObjective'', Bool ''abCompleted'')]]
*Sets whether the specified objective is displayed or not.
|Sets whether the specified objective is completed or not.

'''Function [[SetObjectiveFailed - Quest|SetObjectiveFailed]](int aiObjective, bool abFailed)'''
|[[SetObjectiveDisplayed - Quest|'''SetObjectiveDisplayed'''(Int ''aiObjective'', Bool ''abDisplayed'')]]
*Sets whether the specified objective is failed or not.
|Sets whether the specified objective is displayed or not.

'''bool Function [[SetCurrentStageID - Quest|SetStage]](int aiStage)'''
|[[SetObjectiveFailed - Quest|'''SetObjectiveFailed'''(Int ''aiObjective'', Bool ''abFailed'')]]
*Alias of SetCurrentStageID().
|Sets whether the specified objective is failed or not.

'''bool Function [[Start - Quest|Start]]()'''
|[[SetCurrentStageID - Quest|Bool '''SetCurrentStageID'''(Int ''aiStage'')]]
*Starts this quest.
|Alias of SetCurrentStageID().

'''Function [[Stop - Quest|Stop]]()'''
|[[Start - Quest|Bool '''Start'''()]]
*Stops the quest.
|Starts this quest.

'''bool Function [[UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal - Quest|UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal]](GlobalVariable aUpdateGlobal)'''
|[[Stop - Quest|'''Stop'''()]]
*Updates the value for the given global for the quest's current instance.
|Stops the quest.
|[[UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal - Quest|Bool '''UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal'''(GlobalVariable ''aUpdateGlobal'')]]
|Updates the value for the given global for the quest's current instance.

== Events ==
== Events ==
'''Event [[OnReset - ObjectReference|OnReset]]()'''
*Event received when this quest is started up (either the first time or subsequent times - this will fire in parallel with your startup stage!).

{|class="wikitable" width =100%
|[[OnReset - ObjectReference|'''OnReset'''()]]
|Event received when this quest is started up (either the first time or subsequent times - this will fire in parallel with your startup stage!).
|[[OnStoryActivateActor - Quest|'''OnStoryActivateActor'''(Location ''akLocation'', ObjectReference ''akActor'')]]
|Sent when this quest is started by an activate actor story manager event.

|[[OnStoryAddToPlayer - Quest|'''OnStoryAddToPlayer'''(ObjectReference ''akOwner'', ObjectReference ''akContainer'', Location ''akLocation'', Form ''akItemBase'', Int ''aiAcquireType'')]]
''These events are fired in parallel with the quest's startup stage, and are only fired if this quest is started by a story manager event.''
|Sent when this quest is started by an add to player story manager event.
'''Event [[OnStoryActivateActor - Quest|OnStoryActivateActor]](Location akLocation, ObjectReference akActor)'''
*Sent when this quest is started by an activate actor story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryAddToPlayer - Quest|OnStoryAddToPlayer]](ObjectReference akOwner, ObjectReference akContainer, Location akLocation, Form akItemBase, int aiAcquireType)'''
|[[OnStoryArrest - Quest|'''OnStoryArrest'''(ObjectReference ''akArrestingGuard'', ObjectReference ''akCriminal'', Location ''akLocation'', Int ''aiCrime'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by an add to player story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by an arrest story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryArrest - Quest|OnStoryArrest]](ObjectReference akArrestingGuard, ObjectReference akCriminal, Location akLocation, int aiCrime)'''
|[[OnStoryAssaultActor - Quest|'''OnStoryAssaultActor'''(ObjectReference ''akVictim'', ObjectReference ''akAttacker'', Location ''akLocation'', Int ''aiCrime'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by an arrest story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by an assault actor story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryAssaultActor - Quest|OnStoryAssaultActor]](ObjectReference akVictim, ObjectReference akAttacker, Location akLocation, int aiCrime)'''
|[[OnStoryBribeNPC - Quest|'''OnStoryBribeNPC'''(ObjectReference ''akActor'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by an assault actor story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a bribe NPC story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryBribeNPC - Quest|OnStoryBribeNPC]](ObjectReference akActor)'''
|[[OnStoryCastMagic - Quest|'''OnStoryCastMagic'''(ObjectReference ''akCastingActor'', ObjectReference ''akSpellTarget'', Location ''akLocation'', Form ''akSpell'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a bribe NPC story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a cast magic story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryCastMagic - Quest|OnStoryCastMagic]](ObjectReference akCastingActor, ObjectReference akSpellTarget, Location akLocation, Form akSpell)'''
|[[OnStoryChangeLocation - Quest|'''OnStoryChangeLocation'''(ObjectReference ''akActor'', Location ''akOldLocation'', Location ''akNewLocation'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a cast magic story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a change location story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryChangeLocation - Quest|OnStoryChangeLocation]](ObjectReference akActor, Location akOldLocation, Location akNewLocation)'''
|[[OnStoryCraftItem - Quest|'''OnStoryCraftItem'''(ObjectReference ''akBench'', Location ''akLocation'', Form ''akCreatedItem'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a change location story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a craft item story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryCraftItem - Quest|OnStoryCraftItem]](ObjectReference akBench, Location akLocation, Form akCreatedItem)'''
|[[OnStoryCrimeGold - Quest|'''OnStoryCrimeGold'''(ObjectReference ''akVictim'', ObjectReference ''akCriminal'', Faction ''akFaction'', Int ''aiGoldAmount'', Int ''aiCrime'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a craft item story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a crime gold story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryCrimeGold - Quest|OnStoryCrimeGold]](ObjectReference akVictim, ObjectReference akCriminal, Faction akFaction, int aiGoldAmount, int aiCrime)'''
|[[OnStoryCure - Quest|'''OnStoryCure'''(Form ''akInfection'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a crime gold story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a cure story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryCure - Quest|OnStoryCure]](Form akInfection)'''
|[[OnStoryDialogue - Quest|'''OnStoryDialogue'''(Location ''akLocation'', ObjectReference ''akActor1'', ObjectReference ''akActor2'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a cure story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a dialogue story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryDialogue - Quest|OnStoryDialogue]](Location akLocation, ObjectReference akActor1, ObjectReference akActor2)'''
|[[OnStoryDiscoverDeadBody - Quest|'''OnStoryDiscoverDeadBody'''(ObjectReference ''akActor'', ObjectReference ''akDeadActor'', Location ''akLocation'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a dialogue story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a discover dead body story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryDiscoverDeadBody - Quest|OnStoryDiscoverDeadBody]](ObjectReference akActor, ObjectReference akDeadActor, Location akLocation)'''
|[[OnStoryEscapeJail - Quest|'''OnStoryEscapeJail'''(Location ''akLocation'', Form ''akCrimeGroup'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a discover dead body story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by an escape jail story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryEscapeJail - Quest|OnStoryEscapeJail]](Location akLocation, Form akCrimeGroup)'''
|[[OnStoryFlatterNPC - Quest|'''OnStoryFlatterNPC'''(ObjectReference ''akActor'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by an escape jail story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a flatter NPC story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryFlatterNPC - Quest|OnStoryFlatterNPC]](ObjectReference akActor)'''
|[[OnStoryHello - Quest|'''OnStoryHello'''(Location ''akLocation'', ObjectReference ''akActor1'', ObjectReference ''akActor2'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a flatter NPC story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a hello story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryHello - Quest|OnStoryHello]](Location akLocation, ObjectReference akActor1, ObjectReference akActor2)'''
|[[OnStoryIncreaseLevel - Quest|'''OnStoryIncreaseLevel'''(Int ''aiNewLevel'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a hello story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by an increase level story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryIncreaseLevel - Quest|OnStoryIncreaseLevel]](int aiNewLevel)'''
|[[OnStoryIncreaseSkill - Quest|'''OnStoryIncreaseSkill'''(String ''asSkill'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by an increase level story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by an increase skill story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryIncreaseSkill - Quest|OnStoryIncreaseSkill]](string asSkill)'''
|[[OnStoryInfection - Quest|'''OnStoryInfection'''(ObjectReference ''akTransmittingActor'', Form ''akInfection'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by an increase skill story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by an infection story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryInfection - Quest|OnStoryInfection]](ObjectReference akTransmittingActor, Form akInfection)'''
|[[OnStoryIntimidateNPC - Quest|'''OnStoryIntimidateNPC'''(ObjectReference ''akActor'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by an infection story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by an intimidate NPC story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryIntimidateNPC - Quest|OnStoryIntimidateNPC]](ObjectReference akActor)'''
|[[OnStoryJail - Quest|'''OnStoryJail'''(ObjectReference ''akGuard'', Form ''akCrimeGroup'', Location ''akLocation'', Int ''aiCrimeGold'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by an intimidate NPC story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a jail story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryJail - Quest|OnStoryJail]](ObjectReference akGuard, Form akCrimeGroup, Location akLocation, int aiCrimeGold)'''
|[[OnStoryKillActor - Quest|'''OnStoryKillActor'''(ObjectReference ''akVictim'', ObjectReference ''akKiller'', Location ''akLocation'', Int ''aiCrimeStatus'', Int ''aiRelationshipRank'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a jail story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a kill actor story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryKillActor - Quest|OnStoryKillActor]](ObjectReference akVictim, ObjectReference akKiller, Location akLocation, int aiCrimeStatus, int aiRelationshipRank)'''
|[[OnStoryNewVoicePower - Quest|'''OnStoryNewVoicePower'''(ObjectReference ''akActor'', Form ''akVoicePower'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a kill actor story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a new voice power story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryNewVoicePower - Quest|OnStoryNewVoicePower]](ObjectReference akActor, Form akVoicePower)'''
|[[OnStoryPickLock - Quest|'''OnStoryPickLock'''(ObjectReference ''akActor'', ObjectReference ''akLock'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a new voice power story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a pick lock story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryPickLock - Quest|OnStoryPickLock]](ObjectReference akActor, ObjectReference akLock)'''
|[[OnStoryPayFine - Quest|'''OnStoryPayFine'''(ObjectReference ''akCriminal'', ObjectReference ''akGuard'', Form ''akCrimeGroup'', Int ''aiCrimeGold'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a pick lock story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a pay fine story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryPayFine - Quest|OnStoryPayFine]](ObjectReference akCriminal, ObjectReference akGuard, Form akCrimeGroup, int aiCrimeGold)'''
|[[OnStoryPlayerGetsFavor - Quest|'''OnStoryPlayerGetsFavor'''(ObjectReference ''akActor'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a pay fine story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a player gets favor story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryPlayerGetsFavor - Quest|OnStoryPlayerGetsFavor]](ObjectReference akActor)'''
|[[OnStoryRelationshipChange - Quest|'''OnStoryRelationshipChange'''(ObjectReference ''akActor1'', ObjectReference ''akActor2'', Int ''aiOldRelationship'', Int ''aiNewRelationship'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a player gets favor story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a relationship change story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryRelationshipChange - Quest|OnStoryRelationshipChange]](ObjectReference akActor1, ObjectReference akActor2, int aiOldRelationship, int aiNewRelationship)'''
|[[OnStoryRemoveFromPlayer - Quest|'''OnStoryRemoveFromPlayer'''(ObjectReference ''akOwner'', ObjectReference ''akItem'', Location ''akLocation'', Form ''akItembase'', Int ''aiRemoveType'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a relationship change story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a remove from player story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryRemoveFromPlayer - Quest|OnStoryRemoveFromPlayer]](ObjectReference akOwner, ObjectReference akItem, Location akLocation, Form akItembase, int aiRemoveType)'''
|[[OnStoryScript - Quest|'''OnStoryScript'''(Keyword ''akKeyword'', Location ''akLocation'', ObjectReference ''akRef1'', ObjectReference ''akRef2'', Int ''aiValue1'', Int ''aiValue2'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a remove from player story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a script story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryScript - Quest|OnStoryScript]](Keyword akKeyword, Location akLocation, ObjectReference akRef1, ObjectReference akRef2, int aiValue1, int aiValue2)'''
|[[OnStoryServedTime - Quest|'''OnStoryServedTime'''(Location ''akLocation'', Form ''akCrimeGroup'', Int ''aiCrimeGold'', Int ''aiDaysJail'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a script story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a served time story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryServedTime - Quest|OnStoryServedTime]](Location akLocation, Form akCrimeGroup, int aiCrimeGold, int aiDaysJail)'''
|[[OnStoryTrespass - Quest|'''OnStoryTrespass'''(ObjectReference ''akVictim'', ObjectReference ''akTrespasser'', Location ''akLocation'', Int ''aiCrime'')]]
*Sent when this quest is started by a served time story manager event.
|Sent when this quest is started by a trespass story manager event.

'''Event [[OnStoryTrespass - Quest|OnStoryTrespass]](ObjectReference akVictim, ObjectReference akTrespasser, Location akLocation, int aiCrime)'''
*Sent when this quest is started by a trespass story manager event.

== Related Fragments ==
== Related Fragments ==
*[[Quest Stage Fragments]]
*[[Quest Stage Fragments]]

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