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== Usage Example ==
Remember the Commissary terminals from Fallout New Vegas: Lonesome Road
well i manage to figure out how to implement this into skyrim.
Here's the script:
<source lang="papyrus">
Scriptname YourScriptName extends ObjectReference 
Actor property ThisActor Auto
;this is where you point it to the merchant actor you have already made.
Function ShowBarterMenu() native
event onActivate(objectReference activateRef)
if activateRef == game.getPlayer()
;if the activator is activated by the player.
;then show this actors barter menu.
This script has to be placed on an activator for it to work.
i recommend to add in the "DweButtonScript" script along this one and then pick a sound,
so when you activate it you get a sound along, like a beep or a evil laughter for example.
VampireMonkey out.
== See Also ==
== See Also ==
*[[Actor Script]]
*[[Actor Script]]

Navigation menu