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35 bytes added ,  03:38, 13 February 2012
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Need to write this... basic gist: You need to define a property in your script (and set it through the editor interface to be the other quest whose properties you want access to), then you can access that property's properties. In other words, your script has a property of the other quest; then you access that property's properties.
Need to write this... basic gist: You need to define a property in your script (and set it through the editor interface to be the other quest whose properties you want access to), then you can access that property's properties. In other words, your script has a property of the other quest; then you access that property's properties.

Accessing a script's variables from another script
Rama Edit:

''Here are the steps to using a variable from one script in another script.''
''Here are the steps to using a variable from one script in another script.''
Anonymous user

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