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1,067 bytes added ,  08:57, 30 October 2014
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Can anyone help? I want to create characters, but that's kind of hard when I can't preview them :(
Can anyone help? I want to create characters, but that's kind of hard when I can't preview them :(
== Yet Another ENB Workaround ==
REM Copy this into a .bat file and copy it to the main Skyrim Directory.
ECHO Don't close this window - close the Construction Kit to exit.
REM check if d3d9.dll.null is in the same directory as the rename will fail and CK will crash
IF EXIST "d3d9.dll.null" del "d3d9.dll.null" /Q
REM check if d3d9.dll is in the same directory as this batch file is run from
REM if it is then Rename it otherwise skip to running CK
IF NOT EXIST "d3d9.dll" GOTO StartCK
ECHO Renaming Directx library...
REN "d3d9.dll" "d3d9.dll.null"
ECHO Starting CreationKit...
START steam://rungameid/202480 -notimeout
ECHO Waiting for exit...
timeout /t 1 /nobreak > nul
tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq CreationKit.exe" | find /i "CreationKit.exe" > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto END
if errorlevel 0 goto LOOP
REM check if our renamed file is present, if it is rename it back
REM otherwise just skip to exiting
IF NOT EXIST "d3d9.dll.null" GOTO Finish
REN "d3d9.dll.null" "d3d9.dll"
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