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689 bytes removed ,  14:31, 23 February 2019
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Various UL mods - Cleanup of old mods that didn't have the benefit of modern tools.<br />
Various UL mods - Cleanup of old mods that didn't have the benefit of modern tools.<br />
Old Crow Inn - Cleanup and conflict resolution for version 1.5<br />
Old Crow Inn - Cleanup and conflict resolution for version 1.5<br />
==Other Internet Related Activities==
[http://www.iguanadons.net Blog] - Where I rant about whatever comes to mind. Lots of political stuff, and other nerdy game related things when the mood is right. Not politically correct. The software used for the blog is also one of my side projects I dabble in from time to time as the need arises.<br />
[http://code.google.com/p/qsfportal/ QSF Portal] - A community portal and lightweight CMS package written in PHP, derived from Quicksilver Forums.<br />
[http://www.smaugmuds.org SmaugMuds.org] - The Smaug MUDs Community Center. A MUD forum more specifically dedicated to users of Smaug codebase derivatives, I am the founding administrator.
Anonymous user

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