Stats Tab

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Governs the Actor's Attributes, Skills, Level, and Class.

Level[edit | edit source]

  • PC Level Mult: Determines whether this actor has a fixed level (unchecked) or if their level is based on the player's level (checked).
    • If unchecked, Level, at left, represents the Actor's fixed level. Changing this value will increase the Actor's Attributes and Skills based on their Class.
    • If checked, the other fields are:
      • Level Mult: The level of the player is multiplied by this field to determine the level of the NPC.
      • Calc Min: The NPC's minimum level.
      • Calc Max: The NPC's maximum level.

Level Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Prior to the 1.6 Skyrim update, "PC Level Mult" would calculate the actor's stats only once, when the player first entered the NPC's area and loaded their data. After this initial encounter, although the NPC's nominal level would increase based on PC Level Mult, their stats would not. Initial indications with the 1.6 update are that all NPC stats now recalculate correctly when the PC levels up, although this needs additional testing before it can be considered confirmed.

Attributes and Skills[edit | edit source]

  • Auto Calc Stats: If checked and Use Stats from the Actor's Template Data is unchecked, the Actor's Attributes and Skills will be automatically calculated based on their Race, Class, and Level including their Health, Magicka, and Stamina Attribute Offsets. If Auto calc stats is unchecked and Use Stats from the Actor's Template Data is unchecked, you can add offsets for skills if desired.
    • Note that if PC Level Mult is checked, Auto Calc Stats will always be checked.

Attributes[edit | edit source]

Only used if Use Stats from the Actor's Template Data is unchecked. Note, one must refresh the Stats Tab (click on another tab then back to the Stats Tab) to update Calculated Health, Magicka, and Stamina if Attribute Offsets or underlying Race or Class Base Attributes change.

  • Health Offset: An amount to add or subtract from the calculated health value.
  • Base Health: The Actor's calculated base health, as determined by their Race, Class, and Level.
  • Calculated Health: The Actor's adjusted health (Base + Offset).
  • Magicka Offset: An amount to add or subtract from the calculated magicka value.
  • Base Magicka: The Actor's calculated base magicka, as determined by their Race, Class, and Level.
  • Calculated Magicka: The Actor's adjusted magicka (Base + Offset).
  • Stamina Offset: An amount to add or subtract from the calculated stamina value.
  • Base Stamina: The Actor's calculated base stamina, as determined by their Race, Class, and Level.
  • Calculated Stamina: The Actor's adjusted stamina (Base + Offset).

Skills[edit | edit source]

The Actor's skill value for each of the 18 Skills, as determined by their Race, Class, and Level. If Auto Calc Stats is unchecked, you can add offsets to these values if desired.

NPC Skills[edit | edit source]

Outside of flavor, some skills have absolutely no impact on an NPC:

  • Because an NPC's perks are assigned manually, ignoring conditions, and so is their equipment, crafting skills don't do anything.
    • Alchemy
    • Enchanting
    • Smithing
  • Lockpicking doesn't matter - the only context in which an NPC will pick a lock is when they are a follower and ordered to do so, in which case they cannot fail, regardless of lockpicking skill.
  • Speech largely doesn't matter - an NPC's buying and selling prices are modified by the Player's Speech, but not their own. In dialogue, Persuade difficulties are always static, and Bribe amounts are always leveled. For Intimidate checks, however, the difference between the Player's Speech skill and that of the NPC is a minor part of the formula for Intimidate success. See the "Mod Player Intimidation" Perk Entry Point for more information.

Also, while Pickpocket does have an impact - it makes the NPC harder for the Player to pickpocket - there is no context in which your NPC will attempt a Pickpocket check, and hence they cannot succeed or fail at it.

Other Stats[edit | edit source]

  • Speed: The Speed stat is used as a multiplier times the standard movement speed. The Player Character would have a Speed of 100%. Faster characters would have a Speed > 100%, slower characters would have speeds between 0 and 100%. Because the animations only synch up with a speed of 100%, this value should generally not be altered.
  • Bleedout Override: If checked, this value is used instead of the Bleedout Default specified on the Class.
  • Class: The Actor's Class, which determines their skill and attribute progression.

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