The syntax definition is contradictory if not inconsistent with the examples shown further down. e.g. considering the syntax definition, DisablePlayerControls() should render a state where POV, Looking, and Sneaking are still enabled, as opposed to what is mentioned (Player's controls are disabled, except for Looking). More over, the last example shows a state where the Player cannot go into 3rd person view (POV disabled), as opposed to what's written (Player's ability to equip or use a weapon is disabled; all other controls are unaffected). I didn't test this so I can't really modify the examples, however anyone reading this documentation should assume that it's basically wrong (I've corrected the syntax definition which itself was wrong by not using parenthesis and comas), and pay attention to what they actually do via trial and error and time loss (in the end, redo the job of the documentation author(s))... --HawkFest (talk) 2013-01-18T15:41:02 (EST)