Talk:Fixing Navmesh Deletion Tutorial

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MaddBomber83 (talk) This page may need editing for a new alternative option. Since Wyre Bash 307.201702070250 nightly you are able to do a scan on all files for dirty edits.

For deleted navmesh errors it provides the following output: Skyrim.esm: 032D8B - NAVM attached to Interior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 032AE7 'QASmoke')

If the user copies the 032D8B into XEdit they will see the original Skyrim navmesh along with the delete record from Dragonborn. They then replace the deleted flag from Dragonborn with a 0. Now, instead of a deleted navmesh, they have an Identical to Master, that can then be auto cleaned.

Yes/No? Figure a nightly build is not something to update a page off of. MaddBomber83 (talk) 2017-02-10T21:45:51 (EST)